The morning with Alfred

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Some more Mommynette. I hope you like the chapter. 


When Alfred entered the kitchen to start his daily morning routine, he was not expecting a Marinette sitting on the table drinking Coffee with dark eye-bags. All the kitchen was filled with various desserts like croissants, donuts, cakes, pastries, eclairs, and various types of macaroons.

"Mistress Marinette I assume you didn't sleep last night?"

She jumped spilling some coffee on the floor,"Sorry Alfred, me and Tim sleep cuddling so now I can't sleep without cuddling." She cleaned the coffee.

"You should tell this to the family, I am sure they will understand and might be able to help you." She shrugged and looked at the treats,"Since I couldn't sleep I started-"

"Stress baking." They turned towards the door just in time to see Mommynette coming inside.

The other Marinette greeted,"Good morning Mommynette." The name made her laugh.

She just responded,"Don't worry you will get a name too soon." Mommynette ruffled her hairs as the girl in question pouted.

"I am going to see if Tim is awake." She took another cup of coffee in her hand and exited the kitchen, blush still visible.

"Good morning Alfred." Mommynette said.

"Good Morning Mistress Mommynette." She cracked a smile at that.

"I came to assist you since you have a lot of guests to serve today."

"There's no need-"

"Enough with the nonsense Alfred. You are family to me no matter which universe I am in. Don't worry about my cooking. I know about all your dishes, I learned from the best after-all."

Alfred chuckled," Your Alfred must be very proud of you and Master, Mistress."

"Indeed he is. He gave Bruce a hug when he finally proposed to me."

"Your family must be really worried."

She sighed,"They are very attached to me but they know I can take care of myself and I have all the Miraculous with me."

"Oh. I assume you don't go outside that often. Since you only go when Madame Barbara is at home"

"Quite an observer like always Alfred. She is very happy that she can finally walk after all those years. I don't want to stop her. It makes her happy and that's what I want, to make them happy. I only go when when they need me. I don't use the miraculous. I do practice with them everyday but I feel unfair to use them. The kwamis are resting in my subconscious. I have made myself a temporary miraculous box. Papillon took a lot out of them." She sighed,"The children are so engaged in their vigilant life that they give little time to live actual life."

"Indeed Mistress Mommynette."

They prepared the breakfast. Alfred stopped her before she could exit the kitchen. "I assume we will need a lot of fabric judging our mistress' love for clothes."

"Indeed Alfred. They all will need new clothes. We can't give all of them boy's clothes. Who knows how long they can wait when inspiration stuck them."

With that they both went outside, laughing to call everyone for dinner.


The whole bat family had just arrived the cave. All the boys tackled Marinette by a hug when they arrived in the cave. When they were done the girls also hugged her. "Okay. Okay. Now go and get changed."

They obeyed."Alfred let me massage your shoulders. You look uneasy."

"Its okay Marinette."

"NO Alfred. You have called me your daughter and its my duty to make sure you are healthy."

"Miss. Marinette-"

A blinding light engulfed the whole cave. Everyone ran to the cave half in uniforms and half in civies. When the light was gone Alfred stood up,"Miss Marinette."

Everyone looked around but there was no sign of Marinette.

There was a collective,"Beloved.""Mother.""Mom.""Mamma""Tati" and several gasps. Barbara went to the bat computer and searched for her using her tracker,"I can't track her."

Everyone got to work at that. Batman, Robin went to the Arkham. Jason went to the crime valley with Tim in tow. Barbara and Alfred searched for her through cameras. Cass, Stephanie and Dick went to find the Rogues who had escaped Arkham with fury and worry.

That night they searched every single alleyway. The supervillians were half beaten to death. No fight took more than 3 minutes. This time they didn't care if they hurt them they just had one thing in mind, they need to find Marinette.

The next day Arkham was fully filled with criminals to the brim. The Wayne's went into quarantine. The crime rate fell to 20%. They were getting desperate with time.

'Marinette, Where are you?'


Hope you liked the chapter. Again sorry for not updating sooner.



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