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New boook huh. Now I have 7 books. I will give each of them a turn in the week. I will announce the days in conversations. 

Until then. Enjoy.


"Ladybird, Report." The sound of batman rang in her ears.

"I can see three goons on the east, Five near me and two are guarding the gate and there may be about at least seven goons inside with Joker. Permission to go inside?"

"Permission denied. Try to take out the five near you. Robin can take out the other three in the east. When we all reached there we will surround the room and enter from different directions."


All the team was in Gotham. They got a news that Joker was planning something big. They tracked him and he was meeting with a scientist and must be buying some new equipment for him. If Joker wants it, it is bound to be dangerous. So, all the team was involved in taking him down.

Ladybird took down the five goons near her stealthily without making a sound. Ladybird was the newest member of the team. 5 months before they had defeated Hawkmoth with the help of the bat-clan. After the reveal, Adrien revealed his identity to everyone to show that he is innocent. She offered him another miraculous but he wanted to live a normal life. She couldn't tell him her identity because there is a high chance that after learning his identity the people who want the miraculous from the guardian will push him for information and he understood.

The bat-clan offered to train her so she could protect the miraculous better. She won Thomas and Martha scholarship and was now living with the waynes since she somehow, she has no idea how, become very close to the waynes and she is a problem magnet so they refuse to let her live alone. They didn't know about her nightly activities. They are very protective she can't risk it.

She watched as Robin gave her a nod from where he was standing. In a few seconds they had surrounded the room. Batman gave everyone a look everybody nodded (the bat language). She had a little difficulty at learning how they talk by eyes but she is a fast learner so she mastered it in four months.

At the command of Batman they all went inside. Batman went through the door, Nightwing and red robin went through the window. Robin went through after batman while she went in through ceiling with Red Hood. Black bat and spoiler were making sure no one escapes. They were taking care of of the goons while Batman took care of Joker. In the hassle Batman didn't notice when a beam came to him as he knocked joker unconscious. Ladybird shoved Batman away and took the hit. Everyone gathered around her. They were shouting her name but the sounds seemed like whispers. Then she blacked out.


Today was the ladybird's first mission after five months training. She was doing very well. Everything was going on so well but she took a hit meant for batman and now she was unconscious. Red Robin quickly secured the machine. Red Hood had just tied the scientist. They will need all the information they can get if they want to save her. Nightwing carried her and they went to Bat-cave. They gave the scientist to the GPD for investigation. When they reached the bat cave she was still unconscious. Nightwing carefully placed her on a chair.

Alfred chose that moment to come."Mistress is sweating. She looks in too much pain."

True to his word, she was sweating and her brows were furrowed. A beeping sound filled the room.

"What is this?"Robin said.

"She is about to detransform any moment."Oracle informed.

"This beeping sound has been going on since we left the place."Nightwing said.

"We can't leave her. Any updates from GPD?"Batman asked.

"No the scientist is still unconscious Red Hood hit him too hard."Oracle said.

Just then Ladybird stood up suddenly. She was gasping for air and her eyes were wide. A bright pink flash later Marinette was standing where ladybug was . She fell on the ground along with Tikki (Not that they know her name)

"MARINETTE." Everyone shouted, well everyone but batman but she can't hear any of them.Just then Portals appeared everywhere in the room.


This was the first chapter. What will come out of  the portals?

Well, we shall wait and see.



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