"Don't be ridiculous." She giggled, "You know I love you and only want to help."

"I could maybe believe it if it were just you, but if Uncle Kureto is getting involved it's something different. He doesn't see me as family. He sees me as his adopted brothers adopted child, which I am, but he will never consider that family," I almost this laughed at the idea, "what does he really want? Money? Power?"

"I see family drama is very common among ya'll," Kai interrupted, "look, I don't really know what they've got going on. But I do know that blondie has been the cause of countless crimes, a rebellion is brewing in these walls and you seem to be the primary target for both sides."

"Well, one side wants to cage me and the other wants to extort me, so." I shrugged, "Mika will win. You know that, don't you? There's no beating him. You're chances of winning will extremely decrease if you use me as well."

"We just want you to give him a good kick in the balls, metaphorically." Said the man I currently held mixed feelings for, "Mikaela just needs to be a bit upset."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the man after my own heart," I smirked, "and making him emotional will make it 20 times worse."

"I'm straight." Jack said.

"I used to think that too. Anyway," I continued, "there's not a lot that can get me to betray Mikaela like you have. I don't really like him, but I just... can't," I grabbed at my head, "I almost died and he was the one who saved me."

"He also put you in that situation." Jack reminded me.

"You can't blame Mika for the fucked up things Ray does." I said.

"You do the exact same thing." Jack sighed.

"Maybe I should look into getting this Ray to join us." My aunt chimed in.

"I wouldn't," I suggested, "Ray would betray you so fast it wouldn't even be funny. He only cares about his own agenda and as far as I'm concerned, Mika is currently off his raider."

"We could offer him something he wants in exchange." Crowley said.

"Like?" Kai asked.

Jack smirked, "I believe Matthew's whereabouts would suffice."

"Please tell me you're joking." I said in shock, "Matthew was abused. I hope to god you're not planning on handing him over to his abuser."

"Matthew was over reacting anyway," Jack waved dismissively, "sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do."

That's when I snapped. I was willing to listen to them spew some bullshit, but that was a line that should never be crossed. I slammed Jack into the wall so hard I probably fucked over my torso for another month, "How fucking dare you?!!!!?" I pulled my fist back and slammed it into his face over and over again, "I fucking betrayed Mika by not telling him which one of his most trusted friends is planning to kill him! I haven't even told Akane that her boyfriend is planning on killing her brother! I did all of that so that you wouldn't have to die! And now you're trying to put someone back into an abusive situation for your own petty agenda?!" I kicked him to the ground and continuously rammed my foot into his stomach, "I hope to god Mika fucking kills you! Matthew is the strongest person I've ever met and you're nothing but a fucking coward too afraid to do your own dirty work!"

"You're lucky I won't fight back." Jack snickered.

"YOU!" I rammed by foot into his gut, "LITTLE!" again, "FUCKING!" again, "BITCH!"

"Woah there, buddy," Kai pulled me away from Jack and held my hands above my head, "You're bleeding, big time."

I looked down to see my shirt was covered in blood, but I didn't care. I wanted to kill that man lying on the ground, "Let me go!" I insisted.

"He's not worth it!" Kai raised his voice, it was a wonder that Mika hadn't come running yet.

"Shit, we gotta get out of here before people start showing up!" Crowley grabbed my aunt's hand and pulled her, they were gone in an instant.

"I see you've really picked up some things from Mikaela." Jack laughed.

"If you can still laugh, I must not have hit hard enough." I bit down on my lip to keep myself from going back at him, "One of these days, you'll get what you deserve. You fucking coward."

"Like Matthew?" Jack grinned.

I felt a wave of adrenaline rush through me and I ripped my arms away from Kai's grip and before I could even realize what was happening, I was on top of Jack, hands around his throat, watching as he gasped for air that wouldn't come and Kai tried desperately to pull me off.

I jumped off and stared down at him, "Oh, god, I did that?" I asked to no one in particular.

"This is a really bad first meeting," Kai sighed as he lead me to a chair, "Mikaela's gonna kill us, literally."

I felt my heart pounding and clutched at my shirt, only to feel it was sopping wet, "Oh shit." I started to breathe more frantically.

"Hey, hey, calm down!" Kai said, "I'm gonna go get Mikaela, please do not tell him what went down."

"Jack is fucking unbelievable!" I screamed.

"Yuu, you seriously need to calm down right now, you're only gonna hurt yourself more." Kai said as he ran out of the room to go find Mika.

Jack was already long gone from the room, but I could still feel the way my hands clutched his throat as I took the life from him. I wouldn't have stopped if I didn't snap out of it, "What the hell is happening to me?"


Maybe it's because my wrist is fucked up and I'm a rebellious teen... maybe. Or maybe it's because all but like 2 people I know irl are giving me constant mixed emotions and I'm done with the stress so.

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now