Chapter 17

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I opened the door, the room was empty, it was a good chance to put the shirt I got him where he would notice it, but hopefully I'm not in the room when he sees it, so I put it on top of his sports bag that he took for the bus.

I sat down on the bed and texted Riley, Casey, and Brandon, Brandon told us to meet at the front lobby, we all agreed.

At the lobby~~~

It seems that Brandon was the first to get there, I got his shirt out of the bag and gave it to him.

He holds up the shirt and smiles, "Is this for me? Thanks."

I felt two hands snuck up behind me suddenly and I jumped, "Boo!!!"

I turned around and saw Riley.

I looked down, he was wearing his swim trunks, but of course had a T-shirt on, but not the same one he was wearing this morning.

"Don't scare me like that, and the way you grabbed my shoulders hurts." I said rubbing my shoulder.


"Heh, sorry won't cut it, turn around!" I ordered.


I quickly got behind him and jumped on him, but he moved, so I was hanging on the right side of his side of the body, it was not comfortable.

"Ow, let go, my shoulder hurts." He complains.

"It's you who turned around, if you had stayed still, we wouldn't be in this sort of position." I argued.

"Get off, I'll give you a proper piggy back ride, I promise."

I got down, but he started running off, "Right after you catch me first!"

"I'm not following him." I laughed.

"Right?" Brandon starts laughing so hard.

"Hey, what's so funny? Did I miss something?" Casey said from behind.

"Nothing much, Riley's just being stubborn." Brandon answers.

"Here." I said handing him the bag since it had nothing else in it.

"Oh cool, thanks!" Casey smiles.

"Oh, right, I already got the tickets and everything for the haunted house terror, all we need to do is wait." Brandon said.

We nodded.

"Anyone else hungry?" Casey wonders.

"I am, Payton, what about you?"

I shook my head.

"But how? I never get you."

I shrugged, "I don't get hungry that easily."

"No wonder you're skinny, you should eat more often." Brandon said.

"That's what I tried telling him everyday, he never listens; anyways, I brought all of us snacks from the vending machine, especially for Payton." He looks at me and hands Casey, Brandon, and me mini sized pretzels.

"I'm not hungry."

"That's nonsense, is your stomach that tiny? Let me see." Riley pulls up my shirt, revealing my abs, which aren't that well built.

"Hey, stop that." I pulled my shirt back down, "you're the one always hungry, let me see yours." I pulled Riley's, revealing his stomach which also had abs.

"What are you guys doing? Showing off?" Casey laughs.

"Yeah, Riley, you're not even pulling your shirt down, are you really that proud?" I said still holding his shirt up.

"Yeah, why not? Maybe these bad boys will get me a girlfriend." He points at his stomach.

We couldn't help but laugh so hard at Riley.

I bent down, holding a chair for support, laughing my butt off, tears were crawling out of my eyes.

I finally settled down from laughing, but Casey and Brandon we're still crying laughing.

"At least you stopped." Riley said, feeling annoyed about his friends laughing at him.

"Oh, don't get me started again, anyways, why are you wearing your swim trunks?" I asked trying to change the subject for poor Riley, who was being teased.

"Isn't obvious? I'm going swimming, then go to the meeting, and swim at night, oh and I saw that there are fun games to play."

"Mm, I'll join you, you should've told me that you were going."

"Okay, first, eat!" He orders, taking my pretzels away and opening the bag, then stuffing some in my mouth.

"Mm-okay, I'm chewing, see?" I showed him my mouth full of pretzels.

"Good, eat more." He stuffs more in my mouth.

As I was eating, I spotted Zack and Miles across the room, they both were coming over.

"Eat mo-"

"Riley, your roommate is coming over." I told him.

He turns around and froze.

"Riley, nice seeing you here, you're going swimming?" Miles asks.

"You don't need to know." He replied coldly.

Miles looks hurt, I felt bad for him, Zack just kept staring at me.

I gulped, not knowing what to do.

"Payton, didn't you say you wanted to go with me? Let's go to your room to get you changed." Riley said, in my head, I thank Riley for getting me out of this awkward situation.

"Yeah, okay." I said avoiding Zack's eyes, "Text us, Brandon and Casey."

At room 456~~~

"Thanks for getting me out of that situation, Zack was staring at me, and I have no idea why." I said as I take my shirt and pants off.

"I'd say the same, just why does Miles keep coming at me."

"I don't know, maybe he just wants to be friends with you." I tried to reason while I put my swim trunks on.

"Please, I have a hard time believing that."

"I got to be honest though, he seemed hurt from what you said at the lobby, loosen up a bit, will you?"


I heard a click from the door, it was opened up by Zack, Miles was standing next to him.

"You guys have this room to yourselves, we're leaving." I said as I took one of my towels from my suitcase and slipped my phone in my pocket, not bothering to get my shirt.

We walked past them and left to go to the pool. Payton

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