Chapter 2

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A/N: Here's Riley above

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A/N: Here's Riley above. Adorable, right? ;)

As I walk into the pool, there was no one else except I saw a person in the pool, already practicing, which I'm assuming that he was the one I mistook him for Riley, ugh, how embarrassing.

I put my towel on an empty chair, and as well my timer, thinking I should just warm up first until Riley gets here to time me.

I set myself on a diving board that we use for races, put my goggles on, I positioned myself, ready, set, go!

I dived into the warm water, racing to one side, flip-turned around and race back.

I paused to take a breathe for a few seconds, I looked around for Riley, the exit door opened, I saw Riley.

"Hey, you're extra slow today," I said relaxing in the water, closing my eyes.

"Oi! Stop nagging, you're so impatient!" He splashes me with the water, and I splashed back.

"Ok, ok, I surrender!" I laughed.

The door opened again, it was Miles.

"I see you already seen Zack." He chuckles.

Wait, what? What does he mean?

"What?" I whispered, with my eyes wide open.

He points to a direction, and I followed where his finger was at, I finally saw the person's face clearly, he smirks at me, looking amused by my reaction, Zack.

I looked back at Riley, "This is who you were talking about?"

He nods, "They're going to join our team, Andrew and Xavier too. I found out when I bumped into him." He tilts his head towards Miles.

You've got to be kidding!

"Please tell me this is a joke."

Riley scoffs, "Trust me, I wish."

"Why are all of you here? Don't you guys already have a team?"

They didn't answer.

"Zack, the King, that's what they call you. What a joke." I scoffed, feeling anger rising in me already.

I got out of the pool, "I don't want to breathe in the same air as him, Riley, I'm getting water."

Suddenly I was pushed back into the water, I got up on the surface, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shouted in anger.

"Leave Payton alone!" He shoves Zach.

"It's okay, Riley, I don't want to drag you into this, come on, let's get something to drink." I said getting back out of the water grabbing my towel.

We left the pool, I had nothing to say, so Riley spoke first, "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just great, I'm in the same team as my enemies," I looked at Riley and sigh, "Hey, forget it, just pretend they aren't there, I don't want my friends getting involved with my problems, got it?"

"Too late, all of us had gotten involved with each other's problems and business ever since we became friends, and friends stick together." Riley smiles and I smiled back at him sentence.

I feel lucky to have such good friends.

We got ourselves water, then walked back to the pool, when we got there, Zack and Miles were sitting down on their chairs, laughing, we didn't know what, we just ignored them.

We were about to set our towels down, we realized our timer and goggles were missing.

"Hey!" I yelled, "Where's our stuff?" my voice echoed in the big pool stadium.

"You want it? You better fetch it," Zack chuckles, "like a dog."

"You're really asking for it!" Riley was getting ready to fight, but I pulled his arm, holding him back.

"You know, I've heard that you were called, "The Little Prince"," Zack smirks, "maybe you can consider being my Queen."

"You!" I started as I was making my way to my two enemies, "What is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind?"

He just shrugged.

I shoved him, "Just tell me where our stuff is?"

Zack tips his head towards the pool.

I threw my towel at Riley, "Hold this for me, will you?"

I held my breathe and dived into the pool, I swam my way to the bottom, analyzing that they should be at the bottom by now.

My vision was a little blurry, but I still was able to see something, I grabbed it, it seems like it was a pair of goggles, mine since they were blue.

I was running out of air, so I quickly swam myself back up to the surface.

"Did you find them?" Riley asks.

I shook my head, "No, only my goggles."

I put my goggles on, and went back down at the bottom, I could see things more clearly now that I have my goggles.

I saw goggles that were were neon green, that was definitely Riley's.

I got up to the surface and handed him his goggles, "Here, I found yours, but I still couldn't find our timers."

I got out of the pool, "Are they in that pool?"

Zack just shrugs.

"Look, I'm not playing these little games of yours, so just tell me."

"Hm, maybe we have them, maybe we don't." Zack says.

"You guys are really annoying, don't you have something better to do?" Riley blurts out, I can tell he was not taking it so well.

I saw a timer on the table next to Zack who was sitting on the chair, I quickly grabbed it.

Zack's reaction was huge, "HEY! Give that back!"

I was surprised by his reaction, it was bigger than ours when they took our timers.

"Why should I? I'll keep this until you give our timers back, that sounds fair." I said.

Zack started coming near, I held his timer over the pool, showing a warning that I'll drop it.

Zack took my warning and stopped going near me, I wasn't actually going to drop it, I'm not that type of person, it'd be a waste of money.

"Miles, just give it to them." Miles uncovers the towels that the timers were wrapped in, he gave them to Riley.

I took a look at the timer, it seemed ordinary and old, by seeing Zack's reaction, no! It's something else, something special.

Before I had the chance to give it to him willingly, he grabbed it out of my hand.

I didn't want to say anything about it, so I moved on to a different topic, "Riley, let's go practice."

"We could've just bought new ones." Riley says.

"No, even though we're rich, we shouldn't waste money on whatever. We already got them anyways."

"You go first, I'll time you." He said.

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