chapter 3 A Darkly Lit Cafe

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Okay so at first I wasn't going to do 3 things  and currently

add romance = now a character has a crush

add Virgil in early in the story = it's chapter 3

add Remy and Emile into the main story line = poof Remy mention

But you should know that I broke all three of these things so maybe some ships? I wanna try writing romance since I'm bored :P

Roman hadn't the slightest clue where he was going so he handed over the reins to Remus and followed suit. He asked for directions from some passersby since after all this time he knew Remus almost better than anyone and he knew that he wouldn't pick an establishment that they'd both find 'okay'. So they landed on a small cafe that Remus had enjoyed it's darker themes and the fact that it was a 24 hour internet cafe in the back and Roman preferred since all it was a darkly lit (yet cute) internet cafe. Nothing sexual, nothing overly weird and not to mention the menu looked normal other than the part where most of the drinks were either dark chocolate, black or purple?

"Hello? Would you like to order? If not could you stand to the side 'cuz there's a bit of a line." A tired slouching emo appeared behind him. Which made the two jump.

"V!!!!" Remus screamed trying to tackle-hugging him, but 'V' out and slipped under him closer towards the front then jumped the counter.

"Hey you're not supposed to do that mister panic at the everywhere." Roman scolded the emo.

"Really? but I thought since I own this establishment I'm allowed to." The emo smirked, putting on an apron and starting to ready himself. While Roman just stood there star struck.

"Well that's not all true your Remy technically does, but you do run EVERYTHING and are incharge of all the procedures and staff and customer service and... so you're practically the boss and owner not to mention he is kinda your dad." Remus kinda yells earning a calm shush and something like "he's definitely not my dad" from V. While his loving brother slapped the back of his head for yelling and processed all the information.

"What?... Well I'm sorry about the comment. I'm currently quite irritable we've been walking for a while and I started finding an establishment that my brother and I would both agree upon was impossible so some of that still lingers." Roman said apologetically though he wasn't really all that apologetic and he didn't know why the man just made him pissed off and he wasn't quite sure why.

"No problem now what would you like to order? Would you like a suggestion based on the info I've gotten so far about you Roman ⁓" He purrs.

"Well the dragon chai tea for a drink does interest me, but I'm intrigued now about what you would suggest." he says with a smirk.

"Well we do have an item on the menu item called his royal highness which I just came back from grabbing the ingredients for. It's a giant milkshake if your not lactose intolerant and we also have some pizza bagels coming out of the oven soon if you'd be willing to wait." V smirked back still kinda monotone and tired sounding moan.

"Oh!" Roman lit up.

"Like Steven Universe pizza bagels! I would love one and the milkshake sounds fabulous." he says starts with a raise of the octave and ending with a much more 'proper' one.

"Yup one of our regulars adores the show. So Remus your usual? Or would you like me to suggest something too."

"Oh V you know I always love your suggestions so what'll it be for me?" Remus said blushing.

"How about a green snake shake and a spinach bagel with a few macaroons on the side?" he says with little intonation, starting to prepare the first milkshake of his day.

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