Chapter One: The Two Best Friends

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Eight's POV: (Seventeen years ago)

As we walked in the Bank, we saw robbers with hostages tied up.

"Okay, here's what's gonna happen. I'll go first and beat up those guys over there and you guys can take care of the rest of them," Luther explained to us.

"Or...." I said.

"Allison could first and tell that robber to take care of that robber," I suggested as I pointed at the robbers.

"You do know I'm number 1, right, Eight?" Luther reminded me.

I rolled my eyes. How can I forget? You remind us everyday.

"Come on Luther, Eight does have a good plan," Five backed me up.

Luther thought about it for a second, "Ugh, fine."

Luther started running outside.

"Well then, Allison you're up," I said to her. She smiled and started walking the the robber.

Allison went up to the robber and whispered in his ear. Suddenly, he shot the other robber's foot.

As Five, Ben, Diego, and Klaus spread out. I watched Luther drop down the ceiling window and landed on top on one of the robbers and slammed his on the counter, then threw him to the glass window.

Then, Diego came running to the center. "Guns are for sissies, real men throw knifes," Diego said as he threw his knifes at a robber stabbing him.

One of the robbers were on the counter with a gun in his hand aiming at the others. I took this as a chance to turn invisible.

"Get back you freaks!" The man yelled at them.

"Hey, be careful up there, buddy," Diego smiled.

"Yeah, wouldn't want you to get hurt," Allison said.

"Get back now!" The man warned.

"Or what?" Five said as he appeared next to the man.

When the man turned he started shooting his gun, but Five space jumped before the man could shoot him.

Five appeared behind him while I got on top of the counter.

The man turned his head as saw Five. He tried to shoot him, but instead of a gun being in his hand, it was a stapler.

"That's one badass stapler," Five smiled.

Then, I punched the man in the face, causing him to faint and fall. I turned myself visible again.

"Nice," Five said as me and him high fived.


"Do we really have to do this?" Ben asked.

"Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault," Luther explained.

I felt bad for Ben, he never liked hurting people.

"I didn't sign up for this," Ben sighed.

He walked in the room. Suddenly a monster shriek came from the room and men were being thrown, blood was all over the windows. I grimace a little as I see all the blood, it was giving me Michael Myers vibes.

After a few seconds, everything went quiet and Ben came out the room, with blood all over him.

"Can we go home now?" He asked with a shaky tone in his voice.


"These are young schoolchildren in uniforms with masks on," I heard one of the news reporters say.

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