Chapter 57

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"Me? Oh no, I'm not going to be the one hurting her! Brother!" She calls and as the door opens.

My heart drops down to my ass.

How could he?

My brows furrow and my lips tremble as I look at him, tears pricking the back of my eye balls. His lips tug up into an evil smirk, mocking my look of shock.

"Shocked?" He taunts, his voice hitting me. It's not the familiar one, it's not the one I know, no, it's sinister, it's dark.

It's cold.

I stare at him, not trusting my voice to say anything. He rolls his eyes and walks over to my side, flopping down carelessly on the bed. I couldn't take my eye off him, my chest clenching tighter at the hurt. He lets out a deep breath, sighing through his mouth and closing his eyes with his hands at the back of his head.

"Of course you are, you wouldn't have expected it, you're too naive. All of you were." He laughs and shakes his head. His eyes roll open, staring me dead in my own eyes, his lips quirking up.

"You didn't know it was me even when I slipped so many fucking times, when I let it show." He says.

I could feel my eyes getting wetter, the tears pooling and falling slowly.

"Awn, don't cry baby girl, it's no use now." He says and wipes my tears with his thumb. His thumb lightly brushes against my lips, causing me to shudder in disgust.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" I hear River growl and snap my head towards him. Kara rolls her eyes and squats close to him, running her finger along his arm.

"Baby, why do you care about her so much? She's putting so much distance in our relationship, and you're letting her." Kara sneers and glares at me.

"Don't touch me Kara, you did that all on your own and I'm glad, but I really don't know what you want from us." He says and throws her hand off him.


"I want her gone! And the only way she can be fully gone is if she no longer prances around this earth like a freaking goddess!" She screams and stands up, her face twitching.

"But, I don't want a quick death for her, don't you think brother?" She smiles, her crazed expression gone in a second. It honestly scares me.

Soft chuckles from behind me has me frozen, my throat drier than it was before.

"I guess it would be nice to punish you for being so so stupid." He says and stands up.

I look into his eyes again, unable to believe that he could do this, that this was the same person I held close to me. The same person I trusted with my child.

"Why?" I ask once I finally find my voice, feeling the tears build up again.

"Because you were blind! You were so blind to everything! When I tried to show you, you didn't even realize that I loved you Kai! I fucking loved you! From the first day we found you on that block! I loved you even more when I found out you were pregnant with my child!"

All the air got knocked out of me when I heard those words. My mouth hung open and my tears froze. My chest burnt and my limbs grew weak.

"W-what?" I stutter and he nods, running his hands over his face.

"Yes Kai! Neferankh is my child! That night at the party, you got drugged with rape pills, and I was drunk, I convinced myself that it was what you would want and so I fucked you! And you age birth to my child. Our child Kai. But I was scared to tell you because I knew you would hate me, after I sobered up, I realized what a big mistake it was, but when I saw my baby, I couldn't be happier that she was our creation.

"But when you said that you didn't want to know who the father was, I was sad and you didn't notice Kai! I was your friend and nothing more to you. But I was okay, until I wasn't. And then I found out that you were seeing him and that killed me, the same boy that hurt my sister! And he was going to hurt you again! And I tried to get you closer but you were so stubborn, and I hate that it was one of the things that made me fall for you! And even after the attacks, the car to Luke's side you still ran to him!"

He yells and I blink.

He caused the accident with with Luke?

He caused  the accident with with Luke?

He caused the accident with Luke!

"Y-you caused the accident?" I ask, staring at him with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry about that! I didn't mean to hurt you! I-"

"But you did! And you hurt Like! What were you thinking?!" I scream at him and his eyes flash with anger.

"You have no fucking right to be mad now, yes I hurt you, but that does not even begin at the start line of how much I've been hurt by you Kai!"

The tears flow freely now, wetting my face and my chin. I shake my head at him.

"No, if you told me you wouldn't have been hurt! You-"

"Yes I will! You would have turned me down, maybe nicely but it would still fucking hurt and you know that!"

I shut my mouth because I know he was right.

"But that is fine now! I've been hurt enough, and you crushed even more of my hope when you got with him, and I can't take it anymore, I can't let you hurt me anymore!" He says and turns his back on me, roughly picking up River.

"Now I will hurt you by hurting the one you love, then you will feel the pain I felt."

My hand stretches out, a soft whisper at the tip of my tongue.


"Don't maim him too much, I still need him for when she is gone, this is to teach him a lesson." Kara chuckles and crosses her legs, placing a hand on her knee, she uses the other to drag him and crashes her lips on his, sucking his face off.

"No! Get your hands off him!" I scream and lunge for her but I'm stopped and fall off the bed onto my injured arm as something tugs me back.

I cry out loud and clutch my shoulder, rolling as I'm bent at an awkward angle, my legs are still caught on the bed and I'm holding my shoulder from the pain.

She tosses him back and looks at me, using her heels to nudge my shoulder.

I try to swipe at her leg but she's faster, she nudges my shoulder again, harder and I cry out.

"Stop hurting her, please!" River pleads and she turns to him. I take advantage of that and grab her leg, slipping off her heels and aiming it for her head.

It smacks her right in the face and her nose starts bleeding and there's a cut on her face.

"Stupid bitch!

And then I'm knocked out cold.

_____________ _____________

Hello my people!

I'm sorry for the late update and I hope this makes it up to you... again!

I have not revealed who the traitor is but that will happen in the next chapter.

Until next time,

Much love


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