Chapter 11

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After class, River pretty much ran out considering all the torture methods I was mumbling out and the way I was so going to break his stupid pretty face.

Okay I didn't say pretty out loud.

School ended like five minutes ago and I was walking towards the parking lot to meet Min-Jun. Luke had already left cos he got a call from his mom for something important.

I hadn't seen River throughout school since first period and lunch where he sat with us. Luke was holding me down the entire lunch just so I don't blast River off to tartarus where Thanatos can feed off his soul.

He smirked all the way and ate out of my fries after I promised Luke not to lash out. His usual bickering with the brunette continued and it just added to my sour mood.

It felt like everyone in the universe was trying their best to annoy the crap out of me. First River, then Mr Charlse, the most annoying teacher ever, biology, gave us like a three chapter assignment, like doesn't he get that we have other teachers who give other assignments?!

I have to study for my stupid physics test next week and I hate physics. Its like the death of all fun things you manage to find in school.

Don't get me wrong, I love being in physics class, doodling and zoning out, I just hate test, or home works, or anything other than hearing Mr Philips blab around while I pretend to listen.

I spot the familiar Audi sitting at a corner of the parking lot, close to Rivers BMW car. I glare at River as I walk towards the two cars. Min-Jun spots me and grins wide and River just has that stupid smirk on his face, not eve noticing Min-Jun standing beside him.

I smile widely as I reach them, pulling Min-Jun into my tight best hug. His laughter fills my ear as he picks me up and rolls me around. I squeal and wrap my arms tighter around my his neck.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" He says as he let's me go. I smile wider, "You're saying? Look how you've turned out, you're so so...." I giggle as he nudges me with with his elbow. I turn and find almost everyone looking at us, River with a cold look.

"Who's your friend?" He asks, looking at Min-Jun with a weirdly cold look. The only ones I've seen him give everyone else here except me and Luke.

"This is Min-Jun, my childhood friend. Min-Jun, River, the annoying dork" I say with a smirk he looks at me with a weird look, "I am not a dork!" He cries, I roll my eyes and swat his arm, "I'm running out of patience, I want my pizza tomorrow, after school, if not, I'm calling Rivera"

His eyes widen and he gasps, "Who knew you were this desperate to chill with me?" He asks with his annoying smug smirk. "I will literally punch you in the face right now" I deadpan.

"Kai, we need to hurry up, dad will be back from work soon, and you know how he gets when I'm not around" he sighs. Jon-Ming is a drunk and a workaholic, he doesn't care about Eun-Jung or    Min-Jun. It's sad cos Min-Jun looks up to him but he doesn't care. He's still his dad but its just complicated.

"Cheer up, you're coming over on Friday so don't be so sad, mama will probably go on a vacation while your dad will have the house to himself, dad already said he'll check on him everyday, so don't worry, you won't even be able to worry when we're binge watching HIMYM" he laughs and nods.

I turn to River, "I'll see you at home, I'm still coming over for those cinnamon rolls, just need to get something quickly" he gives a curt nod and I walk around the car, and get into it, tossing my backpack to the back of the car.

Min-Jun gets in and starts the engine. I look over one more time to see River watching me. I bite back a smile and look out the window.

"Your boyfriend's cute"
Min-Jun says as he pulls out of the parking lot. My eyes widen. Did he just say boyfriend? He did not just say boyfriend.

"He's not my boyfriend" I mumble and he chuckles and ruffles my hair. "Shut your face" I grumble and hide my face between my hands.

The drive to the baby store took longer than I thought. And shopping and carrying all those foods, diapers, toys and clothes was so hard. It was super heavy.

I put them in the trunk and walk back to the car, settling in, Min-Jun drives off, with the window rolled down, the air whipping my hair and face made a warm smile tug on my lips.

He turns on the radio and the song Hey brother by Avicci starts playing. I look over to Min-Jun and we start singing out heads off, screaming when it came to the high pitched parts. Once the ding is over, we laugh our butts off while I reminisce our camp moments when we were kids.

"I so miss being a little kid" he whines and I chuckle softly. The car comes to a stop and u look up and see my house, I turn to look at him and then to the back where I grab my backpack. I open the door and walk to the trunk, pulling it open, I grab the bags and look back at him, blowing a kiss to him, he catches it and sighs dreamily.

I bark out a laugh and watch him drive away, I walk into the house and walk up to my room, dropping my backpack somewhere in the room. I neatly fold some if the clothes into a section of my closet. Then out the diapers into one of my drawers. Making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, I place her food in one of the cupboards.

I smile as I walk back up to my room, having a quick shower and getting dressed to go eat some of Rivera's yummy cinnamon rolls and looking forward to watching River dramatise about everything and feign hurt.

It looks like he's definitely grown on me, today is gonna be a very eventful afternoon.

______________ ________________

What's up guys? What'd you think of this chapter?

I'm back with more excitement! What did you think of Min-Jun? Yes his family relationship is complicated.

But it will all be explained in the next two chapters or three.

You'll get to see more of his min and dad and maybe you may get the situation between them.

Anyways, don't forget to comment your thoughts on what you want the next chapter to be about.

And hit that little star and vote for this chapter.

Much love


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