Chapter 47

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I don't know who I am.

I don't know who I am.

I don't know who I am.

I am not Kai Winters.

I am not Kai Winters.

I don't know who I am.

I don't have a father.

My whole life has been a lie.

I don't know who I am.


My eyes flutter open, the tingling sensation in my arm coming back to me.

I feel a pang in my head like someone knocked me out with a bat.

A painful groan escapes my lips as my eyes roll, trying to find a spot that won't blind me from the stupid ceiling lights.

"She's awake!" I hear a voice call beside me then beeping.

Where in the world am I?

The beeps are familiar, like I've heard it before.

Once the light doesn't seem so blinding anymore, I look at the person beside me, familiar brown eyes staring hopefully at me.

I know this person, I know those eyes.

"Kai?" The person says and I blink, looking at him.

"Dad?" I try, my throat hurting, my mouth feels dry and i rack out a cough.

A cup immediately comes into view and is placed on my mouth. I greedily gulp down the cool liquid, not stopping until I don't feel the liquid dancing against my lip anymore.

My tongue comes out to lick the liquid staining my lips.

"How do you feel?" He asks and I close my eyes.

"Terrible, what happened?" I ask and touch my head, feeling a kind of fabric against it.

"Dad?" I ask and he flinches, his face held a pained expression.

"I don't think you should call me that." He mutters and I furrow my brows.

"What do you mean by that? What happened?" I ask, sitting up.

"After Keisha came over, she said something that must have up at you, and then you fell, onto the glass table and hit your head, it was so bloody, your blood was everywhere, you lost a lot of blood and when we rushed you to the hospital, the doctor needed blood for you and when I tested, we weren't a match, Kai, you aren't my daughter." He cries and my jaw falls.

Tears sting my eyes as I watch him, hunched over in his chair crying, I blink and the tears fall, my lips trembled.

"No, no, no!" I scream and the doors burst open, two men and the woman that calls herself my mother.

"No!" I yell again, and two people, women rush in, wearing identical uniforms.

"How could you do this to me? Why?!" I yell, the tears falling harshly down my face.

"Why?" I cry, looking up at my father.

I feel one of the nurses hold me down while the other starts shouting at the three of them to leave as one of the men carry my father out.

I feel a sharp sting in my arm and I look down, seeing the nurse pulling out the injection from where she had stuck it.

My eyes start to feel droopy, my head starts spinning and I sway, stilling in the nurse's arms.

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