Chapter 53

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I wake up with a throbbing pain in my head, a heaviness in my eyes and my muscles dead. I groan and roll over, my hand coming up to feel my head. My eyes painfully open, my dry throat and lips becoming more dry. I stick my tongue out to lick them and then I look around, realizing that I'm in a hospital room... Again!

Sigh. It's not like I can help it, I mean, for some reason the universe keeps transporting me back to a hospital.

It ain't my origin stuuupid!

Um, but I guess it is since I was born in a hospital... eye-

I make a face as the smell I hate reaches my nose, oh Jesus!

I stand up from the bed, walking over to the door and pull it open. Okay, why do doors always get pulled open, why not pushed open? Like, I mean like, why? It makes me so frustrated, I have to step back so tye door doesn't whack me into the future! Why, people, why?!

Where's my phone?

Okay, I'm done, no need to dramatize over how doors open, although windows are better, like why do we even have doors when we can just test how strong and skillful we are by taking chances with our lives, like, life would be so much interesting if we only used windows as our exits.

Yeah, I know I'm a genius, like, ah, ahahaha, HAHAHAHAHA, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

"Kai, what are you doing up awake?" I snap my head to the direction of the voice and smile, seeing him holding my baby, who by the way is perfectly sleeping on his shoulder. I think she had too much Capri-Sone, hehe, hangover alert! Feeling eyes on him, River's head snaps to me and he scowls, glaring daggers at me. Well that's a first.

I walk over to them and smile as Neferankh murmurs soft words under her breath. Luke who had asked the question was already grabbing my shoulders, looking into my eyes like the creepy toad he is.

"Oh thank God!" He says and blows out a breath of relief.

"Why, what happened?" I ask, a frown deepening the area between my brows.

"What? So you don't remember when you kissed that tomato of a nurse over there?" He points and I look over to the nurse.

"Oh, nah, why would I kiss him, I mean, I still want to kill him for not mom." I say, looking down.

"What, what happened to Keisha?" He asks, shaking me slightly.

"She has... leukemia." I rasp out and he lets go of me, blinking slowly. "I don't know why I care so much, but I feel like she's going to leave me again, even though she's not with me, I just don't want to let her leave me again and I blacked out after the nurse told me." I say and sit down on the chair.

"Wait, what do you mean you blacked out? Didn't you know when you have Neferankh to me for some unknown reason?" River asks and I look at him like he's grown two heads. He pretty much has two heads on his shoulder, ahahaha, aHaHAahahHA!!!


"What? What? Whaaaa?!" I ask and raise a brow. He blinks before stepping back and shaking his head.

"No, I saw you kissing that tomato and when I called you, you were seriously pissed off and you told me that you're not home." He says and I laugh at him. "Oh, River, of course I wasn't home, I was in the hospital here with you and Luke, by the way, have you guys gone to see Nova?" I ask and stand up, feeling energized, I rush towards the hall that leads to Nova's room.

I hear footsteps following closely behind me and I stop in front of a door, pushing it open. The sound that hits me is the sound of a baby gurgling and laughing and squealing, it makes my chest hurt, like someone grabbed my heart and squeezed real hard. It hurts.

"Hey kiddo, you checked your head yet?" Marc asks as I stand beside him, watching Nova watch her baby. "Maybe, passed out and right now, I feel like I drank the whole company of red bull." I say and he raises his brows.

"But my head feels better." I say and he shakes his head, smiling to himself. I look back at Nova, the same look in her eyes was the same one I'm sure I had when I looked at the tiny Neferankh in my arms.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I frown, realizing that it had been in my pocket all this while, I'm so dumb.

I pull it out and see like a million texts from dad and Kyler, twenty seven calls from dad and fifteen from Kyler. I'm so dead, wah-ha-ha-hayi?!

I quickly text the both of them, telling them I'm in the hospital with Nova and her new baby, I even took a picture of them. 

A nurse walks in and I notice it's tomato nurse, yeah, the one River thought I kissed. Like pfft, what? Does the guy not know how much I'm into him? Like, woah!

My life is so sad, I spilled milk this morning in my room and I didn't even remember to clean it up, and no one will clean it up for me.

Oh, school, your cursed luck has followed me! Which, again, I have a break from. I feel like I should just get homeschooled so I don't cause any problems for my teachers. Bah! Who cares?! Spring break is already close though, so I practically am not going to school throughout this term. I hate my life.

Okay, okay.

I look back at River who is staring at me like I'm the one who has two heads on their shoulder, like come-on, Jack the Giant Slayer vibes am I right?

"Miss Winters, can I speak to you for a moment? I have some assumptions about what might have happened to you."

Ah, nuggets.

_____________ _____________

And this was a really short chapter but I feel really sleepy!



Ah yes, so I did something incredible today.

I tasted a guava!!

How cool is that?!

So I've never actually seen it before today and it never crossed my mind to Google how it looked, but damn it is sweet! But sorta annoying with all the seeds.

Blah blah blah.

My brain is in overdrive, what?

I believe I can fly.

I'm getting the creeps y'all, a creepy bird keeps hitting my window, it's out to get me!

I feel like a chicken.


Oh, I could eat a chicken right now.

My brother is going to kill me!!!


Yeah, I made him take a wrong turn in his game, I'm rad!!

Like, swaaaaaaaaag!


Okay, eye-

I have to go

Until next time,

Much love


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