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Jungkook's POV:
I reached to the Kim mansion with Mr. Kim Namjoon. As expected the mansion was really huge with a very beautiful garden infront of the building. The different types of colourful flowers caught my eyes and a smile crept on my lips.

Mr. Kim lead me inside the mansion and I could see the simplicity with elegance at every corner of the building. The entire living room was beautifully arranged with sofas adorned with contrasting colour the middle a tea table was placed with a beautiful ceramic vase decorated with freshly picked different colour of roses.

"Sit, Jungkook.", Mr. Kim gestured me to sit down on the couch.

I sat down and he called his maid to summoned his sister. I was nervous not because I was going to meet his sister for first time instead I was nervous because what Mr. Kim told me about her sister in his office earlier that day.

*'Would I be able to win her trust?'*
*'Would she ever have trust on me after what she has gone through?'*
*'She would be welcoming person or somewhat annoying?'*
*'Would she cooperate with me to do my job perfectly?'*

These were the few questions that kept rendering in my mind but soon my thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps. I raised my head towards the sound and saw Miss Kim Amber with Dr. Kim Seokjin climbing down the stairs. I stood up on my feet and when they approached near me I bowed to them.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook and from now on I'm your bodyguard, Miss Kim Amber. I'm at your service 24/7."

I gave her my genuine smile. She smiled slightly and bowed to me as well. I again bowed to her. I saw she stared back and forth at her brothers.

I could really see the fear and anxiety in her eyes. Her cute almond eyes were sparkling because of the reflection of the light and the tears were clearly visible in them which formed at the corner of her eyes.

My heart felt heavy to see her like that. She....Kim Amber, sister of the famous business tycoon, Mr. Kim Namjoon...would be sister in law of the famous neurologist of Seoul, Dr. Kim Seokjin, has a perfect life which each and everyone like me could only dream of but it was all just an illusion.

Her life was perfect without any miseries or sorrows from outside but deep inside her life was such a mess.

How much she has gone through in her life I could estimate it by the look on her face. The fear...anxiety...panic was clearly stamped on her face. She was scared of me...ohh not me actually she was scared of a bodyguard.

When Mr. Kim told me about her fear I didn't had any clue why he was telling me all this but watching her like this infront of me I was glad that he already told me about her fear.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

*'I'll win your trust, Miss Amber and I'll make you believe that not every bodyguard is meant to hurt you. An actual bodyguard is only for protecting you and I'll protect you with my life.'*

With that thought in my mind I scooted near to her making everyone surprised present in the room. Dr. Kim immediately wrapped his arm around her back protectively. I chuckled mentally.

"Miss Amber, its my honour to get a chance to work for you. I have heard alot about you in news channels and papers. I'm so very happy that I got a chance to meet you in person. I hope we'll get along well as to do my job as your bodyguard I need your full cooperation and support."

I flashed my most assuring and genuine smile to her....atleast I tried to just incase she would be convinced and give me a chance.

At that moment, Mr. Kim stalked closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

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