Chapter - 36

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"I'm afraid, Amy. What if your idea get backfired then what I'll do? I don't wanna lose Yugy at any cost?", Bambam whined to Amber for perhaps nth time on that day.

Amber was on the edge of beating the shit out of Bambam. She clenched her jaw tightly to suppress the urge of strangling Bambam and punching him hard.

After taking two three deep breaths she somewhat calmed down and tried to spoke as soft as she could at that moment.

"Bamy, you know you have said this same line for god knows how many times since morning. If you're so doubtful then go and no need to follow my idea. Go and confess your feelings to Yugy but remember he hasn't realised his feelings for you so prepare yourself to get rejected. I'm done."

"Amy~~~", Bambam whined in a tune and flashed his puppy eyes with a pout.

"Bamy, don't give me that look. Don't you dare to get so cutie cutie infront of me. I told you I'm done.", Amber retorted annoyingly and turned to leave.

They were in their dance classes in the middle of the break. According to the plan Bambam came with Yugyeom but didn't talked to him like before. Just answered what he asked him. During the dance practice Bambam stood near Amber and interacted with her only. He only answer to Yugyeom whenever he pinged him.

Yugyeom was confused and furious. He didn't know what he was feeling but one thing he knew clearly that he wanted to confront Bambam...wanted to get his answers from him...the reason behind his rudeness and why the hell he was avoiding him.

He was standing near the corner with an annoyed look while pouting his lips. His eyes were on Amber and Bambam. In those past few weeks it was first time when Yugyeom was not sitting and chatting with Jungkook. Infact he didn't pay any attention to Jungkook as if Jungkook was not there or he didn't know who's Jungkook. His eyes didn't left the two even for a bit and watching his expressions made Bambam to doubt on Amber's idea.

"Amy...Amy, please listen naah!!", he held her hand from back.

But instead of listening, Amber tried to free her hand, "No, Bamy! Just leave it. If you have a doubt then there is no need to continue. Let me go!"

"Amy, please naah...dear!", Bambam scooted closer and hugged her from back.

Amber tried to restrain but he tighten his grip around her.

"I'm sorry. I believe you, Amy and I'll do whatever you say.", he spoke as he rested his chin on her crown of head.

"Are you sure? You won't be impatient again?", she asked him while pouting.

"No...I won't...promise.", he lowered his head and bumped slightly on her head.

" leave me."

Bambam loosened his grip around her body and she turned towards him.

Caressing his nose with her index finger, she smiled, "Have faith on your friend, Bamy. I promise Yugy will realise his feelings for you soon...until then just have some patience and I promise if my plan ever get backfired I'll court Yugy for you."

Bambam smiled and embraced her in his arms. Yugyeom watched them from far, squinting his eyes and pouting.

"Hey, Yugy....will you please help me in this app?", Jungkook understood everything and tried to grasp his attention.

But Yugyeom....he was lost in his own world. He didn't even spared a look at him leave the fact that he would have listened to him.

Jungkook shoved his phone infront of his face, "Yugy, see this app. Its glitching again. Will you help me?"

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