New Transferees

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so uh, to 'sum' it up, this story's 'total-ly' bad. anyways this is part 1 so yeah. enjoy.

Frisk's POV ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○

Hi! My name's Frisk. I'm currently 17.

I live with my adoptive parents: Toriel and Asgore. My siblings are Chara and Asriel. I study in a school called Dreemurr High; owned by my mother. My father is the President of monsters. He's incharge of all monsters around the world.

Me and my siblings study in the same school. Well, next week is the first day. I can't wait! Summer has been exhausting and I just want to go back to school. I heard there were 2 new transferees. Can't wait for Year 11!

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell. Me, along with my siblings, managed to free all the monsters from the underground 4 years ago.

As of my other friends, well, Undyne and Alphys are dating. They're my teachers for Science, all branches; and Physical Education and Health.

Mom and Dad got back together 3 years ago. Me and my siblings planned out how to get them together, hehe!

Napstablook and Mettaton are famous now. Napstablook is one of the world's best DJ and Mettaton, the most famous monster in the whole world.

As for Sans and Papyrus however, they moved out 4 years ago. They went to the neighboring country to study there and get a scholarship before getting back here. I miss them!

Well, school's been fun. I have a crush named Nick. He's the most handsome student in school. Along with him, I'm the most beautiful one in the school.

I care for him alot, since, I do like him. I plan on asking him out this year! I had a crush on him ever since we were Grade 8.

I do terribly miss Papyrus and Sans. Back to this subject now, I remember having a crush on Sans when I first met him. I guess that'll have to change since I know he'll never like me back. That's why I like Nick now.

Papyrus on the other hand, is a famous chef. He's got scholarship now along with Sans. The thing is, I don't know when they'll return. I never got to ask their numbers before they left.

Anyways, that's it for my current life situation. I can't wait for next week.
I sat down in ny room, reading the books and studying in advance.

It was silent until I heard Chara talk to me while Asriel played on his computer.

"Hey Frisk. Do you know who the 2 new guys are?" She asked.

"Nope, not a clue." I answered.

"Well, it's hard to get into our school, and one happens to be 4 months older than you while the other a year younger." She said back.

"Hmmm, well I guess that only means that they'll be in the same year level." I said in return.

"Well, they're both boys. You should flirt with them!" Chara exclaimed. Man, Chara. Is that all you think about me? A flirt? I said in my mind.

"No! I like someone else now." I said back. "Besides, I stopped flirting years ago." I continued. I stopped flirting since I liked someone else.

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