He smirked. "I told you, it's incongruous." I arched a brow. Let's catch sight of what's the reason behind it. "I asked for your time and company. Say it's mandatory for me to treat you and pay for whatever you eat. I can even pay for the things you want to buy. That's my payback for kindly considering my offer. Just take it as my thank you," he even defiant.

I don't know what to say. It... felt bad to hear. I never ask or plead for any replacement back on every good deed I act. It's not contrary to my will and I never could be any prouder doing it with a huge smile on my heart. It's my choice... that I feel great every time I make a kind gesture to others. He doesn't have to worry about that if that's what he was thinking.

"It's... totally fine. You don't need to think that way. I gladly accepted your offer because I'm willing," I lightly said. I don't want him to think I'm some kind of his responsibility. It somewhat feels awful.

"Fair enough," he pursed his lip. I sighed in relief but instantly hung up on what he said next. "But I cannot let you still. Make me pay." With that, he pulled the bill by force. Hindi ko na siya napigilan kasi hindi agad ako nakapag- react. 

I objected no more dahil baka hindi kami matapas na dalawa rito. That's the best thing to do for now while still groping a thin line to connect with him. Hinayaan ko na lang siya.

When we are on our way to the exit of the restaurant, we stopped when a man suddenly babbled.

"Great Marcellus! Is that really you? Wow!" 

There was a guy talking with so much surprise. A shocked expression was written all over his face. Too much for meeting acquaintances, huh?

He's actually a good-looking man... and he's wearing corporate attire while holding a briefcase in his right hand. "Dude come on! You don't remember me?" The man followed.

I looked up to Third who was just creasing his forehead, probably ruffling his mind to recall whoever this person is. 

After a second, he spoke. "Neil?" There's uncertainty in his voice.

The man suddenly laughed. "Come the fuck on, dude. You're unbelievable!" 

He stopped for a while as he shook his head in disbelief. "I'm Eli!" He introduced while chuckling. "Hindi na ako magtatampo, at least malapit na sa sinabi mo. Let's remove the N, 'Eil' na siya! Then switch I and L, there you have it, Eli!" He laughed at his own remark. This man is so funny and carefree! Pati ako ay napatawa sa sinabi niya.

Napalingon siya sa akin and his eyes slowly widened. "Bro! Ang ganda naman ng girlfriend mo!" My throat was blinded when I choked on my own saliva.

"Hi! I'm Eli, nice to meet you!" His gleeful introduction to me.

"Uh... I'm not his girlfriend." I said uncomfortably. Lumingon ako kay Third and saw na nakatingin na rin siya back at me. He avoided my gaze and looked again at the man.

"By the way, I'm Avi," I offered my hand. We're shaking hands but suddenly halted when Third entered his words.

Until Skies Taste the Sun (Lost Series #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin