1. Not his usual self

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Well, this is going to be my first story!! I have never ever done anything like this before in my life, please give me some feedback and some ideas on how to expand the story more. I will do an authors note after each chapter and any criticism will be taken in. Thanks for reading, vote and share my story... thanks guys :)!! HAPPY READING!!

Harry’s POV

“Harry, please get out my way!”

Louis shouted, getting annoyed at me. I was in the

doorway and wasn’t letting him get by. He kicked me so I moved, and walked into the lounge where Olly and Rosie were sat on the sofa together; kissing.

“Guys! Do you ever come up for breath? Are you ever not all over each other?” I screamed at them.

“Yeah we do!!” Rosie screamed back.

Zayn came in through the front door.

“Vas happenin’? Chill out. What’s all the commotion about?”

He said, trying to calm the situation. I sat on the other sofa and tried to contain my anger. I was having a go at Olly, which was slightly unfair, but at the end of the day Rosie was my sister. Also it’s because, I’m jealous of what Rosie and Olly have together. They’ve got something special; anyone can see that. When they’re together they’re all loved up and when they’re apart all they seem to talk about is each other. I could’ve had that something special with Freya, But then ‘typical me’ I went and blew it by saying that we were just ‘good friends’ when we had gone out together one night, the waitress asked if we were dating and I said no we’re just good friends, afterwards she kind of had a go at me and so I assumed it was over. It was a big mistake. I miss Freya; I wish I hadn’t said what I did. It was about a month ago. I loved Freya and in a way still do! Well f*ck me!

I stood up and walked over to Zayn.

“Zayn! I need a word” we walked into the dining room

“I do miss Freya alot! I wish I hadn’t of said what I did, I think I may have ruined whatever love she had for me” I began saying whilst partially breaking down.

“I know you do mate, but you gotta just move on! C’mon it’ll be fine, anyway when have I ever had to give girl advice to Harry Styles, normally it’s the other way round!” Zayn said rubbing my back.

Zayn’s POV

I stood there, hugging Harry in the doorway to the lounge for at least five minutes. I’m sure Harry’s pissed; he doesn’t usually make a big fuss like this when he sees Olly and Rosie together, even if she is his sister.

“But Zayn I really care for her! I really like her!” Harry kept crying. Louis barged past us with a packet of crisps for him and El.

“Wassup Haz?” He said looking sympathetically at him- like he didn’t know! Course he knew what was wrong! Please tell us all over again, I thought sarcastically to myself.

“It’s Freya! I think I like like her, but since I opened my big mouth, I think I ruined any chance I had with her!” He said into my shoulder.

I had only just walked in. I still had my car keys in my hand and was gagging for a

drink. But I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon because I had Harry in my arms.

“Has he had a few drinks?” I whispered to Louis. Louis nodded.

“No more than he usually drinks though!” He whispered back. “Well… he might have had a tequila.” Louis muttered.

“Jesus Lou! You know this is what tequila does to Harry! Why didn’t you stop him? Next he’ll be flying off the walls!” I whispered, gritting my teeth together.

“Oh yeah! We’ve got all that to look forward too ain’t we?” Louis said…

Why did he never pay attention to other people? I was always left to clean up the pieces in this band! I’ve had enough! Surely it’s somebody else’s turn to make everything better?

Tequila always has a weird effect on Hazza, first he gets all depressed like he’s doing, then he gets all hyper and thinks he’s bloody superman and then he gets angry and

irritated. He’ll start throwing things and taking his anger out on anything and anyone. It took us a while to first find this out, Rosie ended up telling us what made him go all funny like this. We couldn’t figure out what it was. Alcohol had loads of weird effects on Harry. When he has too much beer he gets really sleepy, when he has too many WKD’s and stuff like that he goes on a right high!

Harry was still weeping in my arms. I had to resist taking photos of this every time he

got upset- his face was definitely a picture worth seeing! But I wasn’t unkind like that, even if I did take pictures I wasn’t mean enough to show people or upload them onto the Internet!

“Psst! Louis! Get over here!” I said. Louis got up from the sofa and came over to me. Still acting like he hadn’t got a care in the world.

”Come on! Let’s move you upstairs!” I said as Louis came up to me.

“What?” Louis said like he’d rather be somewhere else.

“Help me take Harry upstairs!” I said giving him Harry’s other arm.

“Err OK!” he replied, we got him upstairs and laid him down on the bed.

“Haz we’ll just be downstairs, call if you need us.” I said to him trying

to make him feel a little better.

The last time Harry had tequila was when we were in Australia, before the whole Freya thing. Him and Freya were practically together then and were both on cloud nine. I can’t remember what we did, I was drunk as well. Liam would know what to do but I don’t know if Liam’s here- like I said I just got back; from seeing my old school mates.

I went into the kitchen to get a drink and then back into the lounge. I could see Olly

and Rosie in the corner of my eye. They were still sat on the sofa, talking to Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Jess and Niall.

“Well? Have you guys got any plans for today or are you just gonna stay here and make out?” I shouted at them both. Olly looked the other way, Rosie looked over.

“Shut Up Zayn, just ‘cos you and Rowena don’t have a love like us… yet” Rosie winked, and turned to Olly and gave him a massive smacker on the cheek. She

hugged him and then plodded upstairs to find Mr Mopey.

“Move up then!” Liam said to Olly. He rolled his eyes and moved up. I went over to the swizzley chair, and got comfy.

Olly got up.

“I’m just going up to see how the other two are.” He said standing in the doorway

“Nah mate, leave them.” Liam said

“Nah it’s cool.” Olly smiled and went upstairs, the boys decided to put TED on Niall and Jess cuddled up together with the blanket on one sofa, in the big chair Louis and Eleanor, cuddled up, I got all cosy on the swizzley chair and Liam… well… Liam just did what he did best…

“SPREEAADD!!” Liam roared as he spread himself out on the sofa.

Well thats the end of my first chapter, please tell me what you think by commenting below!! once again thanks for reading, obvs there will be more drama soon but just getting to know the characters atm. :)

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