(Not) Biased with Dawn

Start from the beginning

Barry? Of course! How could I forget this impatient and hyped boy? I mean, if I love Lucas and Dawn then there is no possibility that he will be sidelined although he's not in the S - Rank league with the two. Oh, there's Gladion in the tier list too. Say hi to the edgy boy. Lol!

The B - Rank consist of the characters that are really interesting and somehow my favorites too.

Supposedly, there should be a D - Rank row but I deleted it and became too lazy to bring it back. Shauna, Wally and Tierno are supposed to be in the C - Rank while Trevor and the rest belong to the imaginary D - Rank row. The reason those characters are in the bottom list? Uh well, their character just doesn't appeal to me. That's all. Doesn't mean they're in the bottom says that I don't like them.

That sums up for everyone although I don't know why Hop is not in the selection. If he's in there, I'm gonna place him in perhaps... the B or C rank. I didn't include the "Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee" protagonists and rival since I haven't played that game and the game still transpires in the Kanto region so I tend to stick with the original Red, Blue and Leaf.

Moving on to the category Pokémon: Ash's Best Companions Rankings

Moving on to the category Pokémon: Ash's Best Companions Rankings

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Again, Dawn reigns. Not only do I like her cheery and sweet personality but I also like her Pokémon team. She has Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Quilava, Mamoswine and Togekiss. Wow, I just realized I listed them all, lol! For me she has the best team among Ash's companions. Lastly, her Contest performances will never waver which is one my favorites to watch in the whole anime series.

Next in the rankings are the Kalos gang because Pokémon XYZ was the last series I actually liked the Pokémon anime and I love the character combination of this group. Clemont and Bonnie's sibling relationship is fun to watch. Also, I liked how techy Clemont was while Bonnie was the caretaker of the cute little Dedenne and Squishy aka Destructive Pokémon of Order. (Now that's irony) Of course, how could I forget Serena? I may not be an avid fan AmourShipping but I pick her among every girl Ash has traveled with. I cannot call myself an AmourShipper but I find them cute and I'm happy for Ash to be romantically linked to someone else. Misty can be a good rival but I rather choose Serena over her.

Coming right next is the B - Rank which consists of May and Brock. I always appreciate them as Ash's companions but not on the same level as the characters above. Don't get me wrong, they're still my favorites too. May is a cool character packed with an amazing Pokémon team, a caring older sister to Max and her affinity for shopping and trying out delicacies are the things that makes her character interesting. Another thing, she participates in Pokémon Contests, again, one of my favorite things to watch in the anime aside from Ash's pursuit on becoming the very best... like no one ever was. Since we just mentioned Pokémon Contests, I ship her with her Contest rival, Drew (Only if we're talking about the ANIME May). Moving to Brock, who wouldn't love this guy? A great cook, a passionate Pokémon breeder (and a future Pokémon doctor) and a very nice and fun character as Ash's companion. Sometimes I view him as Ash's older brother because of his maturity. Lastly, the fact that he always can't resist himself from being attracted to many Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys and other pretty ladies. Hey, that's what makes Brock a fun character, right?

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