Chapter Five: A Fear of Heights

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    "A-Alice! Let's not jump to conclusions!" Gil immediately moved to defend you.
    "It's obvious that she's an illegal contractor. Surely I'm not the only one who's figured it out. Or are you too stupid, Seaweed head?" Alice's question seemed to be pointed towards Gil. "Not to mention, I swear I've seen this person before... I believe it was in the abyss.... talking to (y/c). And I knew that it'd be difficult getting out of the abyss without making a contract with a chain." She glared at you for a moment, then turned to look at Gil. "No... you're just playing dumb, aren't you? You don't want to accept the fact that your dearly beloved friend of yours is what she is." Was that a hint of.... jealousy?
    Gil got a bit defensive, but he didn't directly deny what Alice was saying.
    "Gil? Did you already know that (f/n) was an illegal contractor," Oz questioned Gil. Your heart caught in your throat. He would never defy Oz, his master, not even for you.
    He nodded slowly, pointedly looking away from you and avoiding your gaze.
    Then Oscar decided to ask, "She's not (n/n), is she?"
    Your heartbeat got faster and louder; you were sure everyone could hear it.
    It was silent for a moment, then Oscar sighed. "So she is." He reached out and grabbed your wrist.
    You squeaked and quickly pulled out of his grasp, murmuring a soft, "I'm sorry, everyone," then you ran.
    You didn't know where you were or how to get out. You just ran.
    There was a man at the end of the corridor. You couldn't risk him catching you, and you could hear people in pursuit behind you, so you were forced to quickly step into another room. Your unfortunate luck decided to kick in as you realized there was now way out of this room, besides the way you came, except a window.
    You quickly closed the door behind you in an attempt to at least try to slow down Pandora. You grabbed a chair and leaned it against the door. Your attempt to slow them down didn't last long.
    You made your way across the room towards the window. After opening the window, you realized the horrible truth; you were on the second floor.
    You heard a crack and saw Oscar smashing through the door, Gilbert following him in panic.
    Oscar noticed you by the window and quickly dashed across the room. You were too fast for him.
    Ignoring your fear of heights, you jumped. You caught a glimpse of Oscar's hand reaching out to grab you, missing, before tumbling down to the bushes below.
    A very loud crack sounded in the air as you felt a very agonizing pain shoot through your left leg. You yelped out in pain, trying not to scream or cry.
    (Y/c) immediately appeared beside you, eyes full of worry.
    You limped out of the bushes, ignoring the pain, unable to put weight on that leg.
    (Y/c) went to support you, but quickly had to switch gears as members of Pandora filed out of the mansion in pursuit of you.
    Break and Gilbert were among them, both seeming worried, determined to see that you were at the very least alive.
    "That's her chain! Right there!" You heard someone call out.
    You could tell that (y/c/n) recognized Break, but (he/she) still prepared (himself/herself) for battle.
    Knowing that (y/c/n) was still recovering from your last encounter with Raven, you sharply told (him/her) to get you both out of there, instead of fighting. It was likely that (he/she) wanted to question you, but (he/she) obeyed nonetheless.
    (He/She) picked you up and dashed off, trying to put as many feet, miles, and preferably continents between you and the organization in as little time as possible.
    After several minutes of running, (y/c/n) finally set you down.
    "I think we've managed to outrun them..." (He/She) looked around cautiously and nodded.
    "Then you've missed one." A man stepped out from behind a tree, smirking. You instantly recognized the blonde-haired man who had one golden eye and one crimson. He was Gilbert's brother, Vincent.
    Both you and (y/c) tensed up. Vincent was very strong. (Y/c/n) attempted to attack him, but that only lasted a moment before Vincent's chain, the dormouse, was on (him/her). Moments later, (y/c) hit the floor unconscious.
    Grunting, you attempted to get up, concerned for your chain, but you failed, your leg simply not able to bare your weight.
    Vincent smirked once again. You had a terrible feeling building in the pit of your stomach, so horrible, you felt as if you would have been better off if you had surrendered to Pandora.
    "My, my... you're quite defenseless when you don't have your chain around to protect you." As he finished his sentence, you pulled out your gun, aiming it at his chest.
    The smirk on his face never wavered as he strode over to you as if your gun was nothing more than a water gun. You moved your finger to the trigger.
    "You wouldn't pull the trigger." As if to prove him wrong, you did so, narrowly missing his right arm.
    "You missed."
    "I'm aware of that." You held his gaze as he continued to smirk, unfazed by the previous events.
    He then decided to use one of your few weaknesses against you. "If you were to shoot me, you'd upset Gilbert."
    Your eyes widened at hearing that, the thought only just now crossing your mind.
    At that moment, you were caught off guard. He took advantage of this and quickly kicked the gun out of your hand and pinned you down, making you unable to grab your whip. You let out a gasp of surprise and tried to wriggle out from underneath him.
    Your struggles and grunts of pain were paused once you saw three crimson-caped figures begin to approach you.

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