Chapter Seven: Reim-San the Court-Martial

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You heaved a sigh and buried your face into Gil's chest. You didn't have much of a choice when you made your decision. At least if you worked for Pandora, you could actually acquire more freedom.

He blushed lightly as he carried you to one of the conference rooms that exist in Pandora's headquarters.

Break followed closely behind, keeping his trademark smile; although no one could figure out what was really going on in that head of his.

After a few minutes, you reached said conference room. Everyone was there; Sharon, Oz, Alice, Oscar... even the man with glasses you'd encountered before.

As you entered with Gil, Alice immediately became defensive while Oz tried to calm her down. You ignored her as Break stopped tailing Gilbert and left to be by Sharon's side. Gilbert walked toward the middle of the room and set you down in a seat, which practically had your name written all over it. It was reserved just for you. It was a seat that was within everyone's view so that if you tried anything, you'd be mince-meat.

Gilbert sighted and handcuffed your hands to the chair. Slightly annoyed, you scoffed, then snapped, wiggling your broken leg to give emphasis to it with a gasp of pain, "What am I going to do?! Run away?! I'm crippled you dumbass." You rolled your eyes as you finished your short little rant.

Break couldn't help but chuckle as Gil flushed red, attempting to contain his embarrassment and irritation. You smirked as he did so, amused at his reaction. Alice, who was previously growling, now burst into a fit of laughter. Oz laughed a bit as well, trying to comfort Gil in between giggles.

Gilbert ignored the laughter and went to go sit next to Oz.

Looking around, it almost seemed like you were being held hostage in a courthouse, awaiting judgement. This made you slightly uneasy even though the atmosphere had gradually become less tense.

Oscar, who had been conversing with Sharon, stood up and walked over to you. His presence seemed much more friendly and not at all threatening, despite the previous events that had taken place. He was even smiling.

"It's nice to see you again, (y/n)," he said in a smooth and almost casual tone.

You replied in a sharp, sarcastic tone, making it seem as if you were more agitated than you really were; "Oh, really? Pleasure's all mine." You attempted to bow to deepen the affect, however, your handcuffed hands held you back.

He simply chuckled, completely disregarding the sarcastic tone.

"Oscar, shall we skip the formalities?" The man with glasses spoke up as he set down a stack of paperwork.

Oscar sighed and shrugged, then went back over to Break and Sharon, done with his part. "Of course, Reim."

The man called "Reim" stood up, then took his place beside you, beginning what sounded like an interrogation. "How many people have you killed?"

Caught by surprise, the only reply you could utter was, "Excuse me?"

Reim adjusted his glasses, giving off a sense that he intended to get right down to business; no shortcuts, no detours. "You heard me."

You focused all of your attention on Reim, giving him an unintentional glare. "None. Zero. Null."

He sighed. "And here I thought this would be easy. But, of course, I should expect a murderer to confess to her sins."

Growling lightly, you put up the oh-so-persuasive argument; "I am not a murderer!"

"Recently, in the past few months, there have been a string of homicides in the area. Each of these people were eaten," he said, locking his gaze onto you, then continuing, "And, with the information we have been given, we have determined that it's an illegal contractor's doing."

"Wha-?! But-!" You stammered, unable to comprehend the accusational assault he was throwing at you.

"Reim! That's enough! She doesn't have the eyes of a murderer; I would know! I will not stand here and listen to your accusations being flung at an innocent woman!"

Someone silenced him. Your gaze and his turned to seek out your savior. To both of your surprises, your eyes fell upon... (Choose your path)

Break: or here:


(Yep! It's finally here! I branched Break's path off of this part, so if you want to abandon poor ol' Gil, just click on Break and the story will continue!)

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