Chapter 31 - The Envelope

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"Do you have everything with you?" Lisa asked as her hands were about to lock the door grill, eyes looking at me.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Please call me if you need anything, I can bring it to you."

"Thank you so much" I smiled, catching her empty hand since she insisted on carrying my backpack with her other one. "But you already gave half of your stuff to me" I chuckled as we were leaving her apartment unit. "I don't think I'd need anything else."

"But, you will certainly need my hug at 2 in the morning."

I slapped her arm playfully, pressing my chest against it right after.

"I'll be fine, Lisa."

"Without me?" She scoffed as she brought me into the elevator. "I don't think so."

I refused to argue about that because Lisa was right. Even though I only spent time at her apartment on weekends, I had been attached to my girlfriend in that short amount of time. Sometimes I would give her a call at odd hours, disturbing her sleep just because I couldn't have one and Lisa never got mad at me. She would talk and entertain my stories as if she wasn't sleepy.

Sighing, I rested my chin on her shoulder after she pressed the G button.

"I'm sorry I can't be with you this weekend."

"Hey, that's alright" I could feel her head turning to me as I had my eyes closed. "Your dad needs you."

"He didn't even tell me he fainted at church" I complained. "If I didn't call to check on him, I wouldn't have known."

"He probably didn't want to make you worried, honey."

"He's my father" I sighed again, also thinking about the movie night I had with Lisa that had to be cancelled in the last minute. "I should worry about him, he's on his own"

Lisa laughed a little, causing me to open my eyes.

"Now you know how I feel whenever you're alone at your house" She sounded like she was teasing me. "You're my baby girlfriend, I should worry about you."

"I'm sorry I make you worried."

I gave Lisa a few strokes along her arm, hoping that she would feel better because I knew she had something in her mind right now. She was feeling uneasy about letting me go alone at night.

"Maybe if you move in with me, I wouldn't worry that much"

"Love, you know I can't just leave Natalie."

Lisa didn't get to continue the conversation as the elevator stopped. The door opened to reveal the 7th floor marking on the wall. We were both quiet for a moment before Lisa pressed the closed button, and we were descending again without anyone stepped in.

"Baby, would you mind if I go up again?" She asked after pecking the side of my head. "Please wait for me at the lobby, I won't be long."

Smiling, I tilted my head to look at her. "You have locked the door, Lisa."

"Did I?"

"Yes, and the grill as well."

"What about the iron?"

"I unplugged it for you."

"Are you sure?"

It was me who giggled this time, failed to fight the urge not to as my eyes squeezed shut, lips kissing her shoulder for a couple of times before responding.

"One hundred percent!"

"So...I don't need to recheck everything?"

"Absolutely yes, my darling" I looked at her again, appreciating the view of the side of her lips. "You can trust me, please trust me."

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