Chapter 9

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"Take care, Nick" I said to Baxter by the door as he was leaving, pulling Chae closer to me with my arm around her shoulders.

"Thank you, Lisa" Nick said. "And thank you very, very much Chae!" He addressed how thankful he was. "Your cooking is just magical!"

Jisoo joined in from the kitchen. "Chae! I hope you open your own restaurant one day. Jen and I would come every week!"

"Oh my God! Guys!" Chae started to blush, hugging my waist as if she was asking me to help her from praises that were given by my friends. "It's just regular food!"

She was really bad at receiving compliments. Denying them was self defence mechanism that she would automatically did to chase out the shyness she grew inside her.

"If these were just regular food to you," Jennifer continued the conversation, refusing to accept what Chae just said. "I don't know how your fancy food would taste like!"

"It's nothing, guys" Chae giggled while I was stroking her arm.

"Have a great night ahead, ladies" Nick bid his goodbye and walked along the corridor, heading to the lift. "And Lisa?" He turned around as his legs continued the steps.


"Have a good rest, take a break. I need you on Monday"

I nodded, knowing what he actually meant by that. We both had worked together with the whole team in Samantha Young's homicide case for 2 days straight, having only 1 hour of sleep at the police station.

He must have been worried about my stubborn attitude; being so hard on myself, and I dragged him with my working pattern as well since he refused to leave me working alone at the station.

"You too, Nick"

"Chae!" He yelled a little after he pressed the button on the wall. "Make sure Lisa sleeps later! She's very good at sneaking out!"

"I'll keep an eye on her!" Chae smiled, waving at my colleague before he entered the lift.

I pulled the stainless steel door grill, securing and locking it since The Kims would spend a night here like they would always do whenever our weekend hang out was held at my place.

And I was glad that they were here too. At least they could give Chae a company for a movie later if I fell asleep.

Because I had been trying so hard to hide my sleepiness in front of my guests for the dinner we had, being so active and talkative just to distract myself. And I wasn't sure anymore if I could put on this acting much longer, I might fall asleep while both of my legs standing up straight.

"Who's ready for Netflix?!" Jennifer asked with her energetic voice.

Jumping, Chae was the first one to respond with the excitement that sent a smile to my face. "Me!"

She made her way to the rug, sitting next to the older woman with pillows around as I entered my opened concept kitchen, thinking of helping Jisoo with the dishes since I didn't like the way my plates were arranged after they were cleaned.

"How's you and Chae so far, Lisa?" Jisoo asked with a low voice, avoiding the possibility that the two women in front of the TV might hear us talking.

I knew why she suddenly asked me that question when we finally had alone time together, well, kind of. Jisoo had always been concerned about me ever since I told her and her wife that I liked Chae Richards, which was undoubtedly made sense to put my relationship with Chae as the very first commitment apart from my career I had chosen to have into the main reason.

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