I'll Wait For A Rainy Day

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Robs PoV.

I grab my phone as one hand started the vehicle. I dial Preston's number. "Hey preston!" I say as he answers.

"hey rob!" He says.

"So I'm driving through Texas at the moment and I'm wondering if I can stop and stay the night." I look at the raindrops splattering my windshield. "I don't want to stay ton the road when it's raining.

"Yeah, come in over!" He says.

*time skip*

I walk into Preston's house as he opens the door, greeting me. "You can leave your coat over there." He points to a spot next to the door. I take off my coat and throw it over there.

I sit on his couch and he sits next to me. "You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." He informs me about the sleeping arrangements.

"Nah, I don't want to take over your bed, I'll take the couch." I tell him.

He sighs. "You're the guest." I shake my head and he sighs deeper. "How about we both sleep on the bed? If that's okay with you." He says.

My cheeks heat up. I was flattered that Preston wanted to sleep with me. Especially since I have had a huge crush on him since forever. "Yeah, that's okay." I smile but quickly cover it my scratching my ear, that wasn't even itching.

There was a moment of silence before Preston broke it. "Well I'm going to go to sleep. See ya."

I clear my throat. "Same, id like to hit the road early tomorrow morning."

*time skip*

I wake up, cold. I look to my right to see Preston snuggling up to me, hogging the blankets. A laugh escapes my mouth.

Preston bolts up. "WHAT?" He glares at me, his hair messy and his face looking sleepy. "What time is it?" He asks.

I check my phone, many twitter notifications and a few texts from Mitch and vikk. "11." I say. "Well, too bad for leaving early this morning." I chuckle.

"You can stay longer now." Preston jumps up, sitting up right in bed.

"For you, anything." I say, hoping it didn't show how much I liked him.

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