A New Year.

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*trigger warning*

Robs PoV.

We all lose ourselves at one point in our lives. It's our way of staying sane. Like they say, "if we want to stay sane, we have to be a little crazy". But who really defines the word crazy?

The year started off as a normal year, going to school after a long winter break. You listen to all the preppy kids talk about what they got for Christmas, as you remember what your parents got you, or what your parents didn't get you. You receive tons of homework as if you didn't just get off of break, and the teachers actually expect you to do it. You laugh but they cross their arms and tap their foot, threatening to send you to detention. You shrug it off and continue to pick at your already bitten to the core nails.

When school ends for the year and youre sent off to your summer break, whether it's going on vacation to Hawaii, or going to the swimming pool everyday to stalk the cute life guard, or simply laying on your bed all day watching Netflix, that's when my life changed.

I came out of the closet, confessing to my mom and dad that I was gay. They didn't take it as easily a I thought. There was screaming and shouting from every direction as I snuck bak to my room.

I laid on my bed, in the darkness, watching the ceiling as it lit up a scars passed my window. I heard a loud thump from downstairs, followed by the screen door slamming.

My dad yelled for me to come downstairs. I slowly wander down into the living room to see my dad angrily pacing. "Your mother just left!" He screamed at me. "Go upstairs, pack your things. I'm kicking you out!"

A few tears fell as I waddled upstairs. I pushed my bedroom door open and grabbed my biggest duffel bag. I started shoving things inside and went back downstairs. "Bye," I mumble as I leave. I forgot to add the part where I'm never coming back.

Later, in the fall, I began a habit, a terrible one at that. It consisted of a blade, and my skin. I felt so good when I pressed the blade against my aching skin.

By the time the end of the year came around, I still had no friends, no family, and barely a home. I had a part-time job as a cashier at Wendy's, but it barely paid anything, and without a high school diploma, there isn't much you can get.

The one plus of the whole situation was I did end my cutting, after I attempted to overdose. I was so overwhelmed one day, I swallowed the bottle. My landlord found me, lying in the cold ground, unconscious. He claimed he came over to get the rent.

The hospital put me in a support group and told me I was lucky to have survived. To this cold New Year's Day, I wish I didn't.

I pull my hood over my head as another chilly wind whipped around the New York air. The ball was going to drop any minute, introducing the new year.

"Hey," I heard someone say. Casually I look towards them. I spot a tall, brown haired man. His hair looked soft and his brown eyes sparkled in the New York lights.

"Hi." I reply as he sits down next to me.

"My names Preston," his voice squeaked as if he was going through puberty. Preston holds out his hand.

"Rob" I quickly shake his hand, but was interrupted by cheers and shouts of a countdown.

Preston joins in and I silently watch as the ball falls down. When the cheers reach "one" the ball is all the way down. And that's when I felt lips on mine.

When we break apart I see Preston staring at me. "So, I guess it's a new year." I state awkwardly and he nods.

"It's a new year that I want to spend with you, rob." He smiles. His teeth were perfectly straight and his eyes showed he cared. Fireworks lit up the sky and the loud bangs echoed through the night.

"Id like that." I say. I glance up at the fireworks, and thank anyone who'd listen, for the miracle that happened.

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