*Thank You, James Corden- Harry Styles

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This is for...well, me and everyone on the group chat.

SMUT (you're welcome ladies)


Currently, I was on the Late Late Show with James Corden. Basically, just chatting. Acting in American Horror Story, Outer Banks and multiple other shows and movies, I would say I'm pretty famous. It's known to everyone that I'm very open about everything in my life. I simply don't care who knows what. That includes my HUGE crush on Harry Styles. I've been crushing on him since I was 12 years old...a whole 10 years!

"So, Y/N, your starring in the new movie, Can You Keep A Secret? Along with Tyler Hoechlin. Now, you have to be honest with me...what was it like kissing a guy like Tyler?" James smiles at me from his desk. I'm sitting on the couch right next to it.

I laugh, "Ha, that's a fun question. A lot of people don't know this, but Tyler and I have actually known each other since I was ten years old. I'm sure it was more awkward for him than it was for me, though."

"I didn't know that. Well, you learn something new every day." James laughs. "So if you had the chance to do those scenes with any guy in the world, who would you choose?" He knows damn well who I would choose.

"Harry Styles. One hundred percent." I smile widely.

"Have you ever actually met Harry?" His question almost made me laugh. Like harry would have the time to meet me.

"Sadly, I haven't." I sigh.

"Would you like to?" My eyes immediately meet his in alarm. "Ladies and gentlemen, Harry Styles!" I look over to my right to see THE Harry Styles walking out behind the curtain, the live crowd screaming in surprise. I look back at James with wide eyes as he laughs at my reaction. Not believing this is actually happening, I stand up from the couch a walk off the raised stage area, staring at Harry in shock.

I'm actually about to meet the guy I've been crushing over for 10 years! My emotions getting the best of me, a few tears fall down my face.

"Come here!" Harry chuckles, walking over to me. He's wearing a dark floral suit and his hair is styled to perfection. He has the biggest smile on his face.

"What the fuck." I say, not caring that they're gonna have to bleep it for the show. "Oh my god!" More tears stream down my face. Harry reaches me and pulls me in for a hug.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we'll talk more with these two after the break!" James announces.


Harry and I are currently sitting next to each other on the couch while James is sitting in his chair. I've calmed down a bit, but I still don't know how the fuck to react.

"How are you feeling right now, Y/N?" James asks, laughing at my dazed face.

"Um...I honestly don't know. Half of me thinks I'm dreaming while the other half thinks I died and is in heaven." They all laugh but I'm being serious. I'm asleep right? I'm just dreaming.

"I can assure you this is real." Harry smirks, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. My inner fangirl is about to explode.

"Oh my fucking god." I mumble, forgetting I have a mic on, and everyone can hear me. "Shit, sorry. No, fuck. Oh, my god. I can't think straight." I need to stop swearing on tv. Harry chuckles and it sends my whole body into a frenzy. How can someone be so perfect?

"She's so cute." Harry smiles at James, talking as if I weren't here...not that I don't mind. I mean, Harry Styles just called me cute!

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