Better Than Him- Kai Parker

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(a little heated) (not mine. All credits go to author.)

You clutched the piece of paper in your hand as you crossed the street. You knew not to do this, it was against your better judgment, yet here you were, on your way to a destination that no one knew you were going to. Of course, you had thought about telling Stefan but you knew he'd stop you and it wasn't something that he would have been okay with.

Meet me at our place - Kai You crumpled the paper and tossed it into the nearby trash can before opening the door which led to the foreclosed house that he had previously held you in.

The door was still torn off the hinges and pieces of broken chair littered the living room. You walked in silence too aware to say anything, your eyes darted from object to object trying to find any sign that someone was here.

"Finally." A voice rung out from the chair behind you. The chair turned around like some villain in a superhero movie. He got up and walked towards you, not taking his eyes off you. You could feel your heart pounding from inside you, hell, he could probably hear it from outside your body. "Kai." You breathed as he took his final step, only inches away from you.

"Hi," he spoke softly. "It took you so long I didn't think you were coming." He smiled.

"Neither did I," You said looking down. Kai lifted your chin up with his finger, everything inside you told you to push him off you or run away but you really didn't want to. You looked back up, staring back at him.

He looked different more grown, more attractive, for a psycho killer. You pulled away from his hand and walked over to the chair that he had gotten up from, you plopped yourself down on it and looked out the window. "Why did you send me that note?" You finally asked, he walked closer to you, stopping about two feet away.

"We need to talk about us." He said confidently. Your eyes snapped over to him.

"What do you mean us? There is no us. I'm with Stefan, we're doing fine." Kai sighed and chuckled and took a couple steps forward.

"Notice how you said fine and not great?" He questioned. Admittedly you and Stefan had been having some problems, but what couple wouldn't with all of the shit that you guys go through. What kind of relationship wouldn't be as problematic with monster after monster, villain after villain, and yet here you were talking with the most dangerous one about your slippery relationship.

You stayed silent and looked down. You heard his footsteps come closer, then a finger was placed under your chin again and you were forced to look back up. "I'm better than him; at protecting you," he said slowly, looking at your lips before speaking again. "At kissing you," he leaned your chin up to his. His lips connected with yours

He slowly pulled away, opening his eyes "at everything." He whispered, leaning in again. He placed one hand on the small of your back while the other held your cheek. You could feel your breathing quicken, just by the way his lips felt on yours, the way they fit so perfectly between yours.

He faltered as his nose bumped into yours, you took this as an opportunity to stand up and wrap your arms around his neck. You could feel him smiling as he pulled away, only for a second before moving to your neck. His hot breath danced across the side of your neck causing a shiver to run down your body. You breathed heavily, pulling his face back up to yours and once again kissing him, he lightly bit your bottom lip and smiled. Your heart felt like it was going to explode, it all seemed so wrong but too good to stop.

Kai groaned as you kissed along his jaw before moving to his neck. His hands groped your body, sending waves of pleasure through you. It all seemed so unreal, almost like it was too good to be true but it was happening and it was great. It was slow and passionate yet fast and hot.

You finally pulled away from him, breathing hard. He chuckled and brought his thumb up to your bottom lip, lightly dragging it across. Your breathing faltered at his touch, it was something you craved.

You looked at Kai's swollen lips, thinking about how just seconds ago those had been on you, his tongue had been inside you his hands had roamed your figure and you smiled. "We still have one little problem to take care of." He chuckled, looking out the window. You watched as Stefan wandered down the street, completely oblivious as to what had just happened in the foreclosed house he had just passed.

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