Camping- Kai Parker

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"Kai did you hear that?" You asked is hushed tone sliding deeper into your sleeping bag. For whatever reason, Kai wanted to go camping in the woods of Mystic Falls, AKA the most haunted part of the town. Basically, you and the gang needed his help for something but he wouldn't unless you went camping with him. The woods were silent besides a few frogs chirping or whatever sound they made, you kept hearing twigs snap you first told yourself you were paranoid and tried to sleep but the sounds were getting closer.

"" Kai said in a sleepy voice. You could hear him shifting in the sleeping bag across from you.

"What if Slenderman is out there?" You whispered, eyes alert, not wanting to shut them in case something bad happens.

"Slederwho?" Kai asked, his voice not silent, probably alerting whatever evil creature was out there.

"Slenderman- he is an evil demon thing that turns innocent people into sadistic killers." You stated in whispers.

"You're sleeping in a tent with a sadistic killer, Princess." Kai murmurs. You could hear the smile in his voice.

"Don't call me that." You whispered back.

"Come on, I'll keep you safe. Get in my sleeping bag" Kai told you, you hear him unzipping his bag.Terrified, you quickly left your bag, sliding into his as he zipped it up around you squishing you two together.

"This doesn't mean I like you." You scoffed.

"You say that now...just wait until the end of this trip." Kai spoke then placed a kiss on your head his sneaky hands finding their way to your butt giving it a pinch making your yelp and him to laugh.

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