"But maybe we could." He said emphasizing 'we'. I had to hand it to the kid, he never gave up. Aaron didn't like it here, none of the wolves did, but what were we going to do? The hunters knew our weaknesses and used them.

"I will not let you or Tori get hurt. This is my fight, and if I can keep you two out of harm's way I will." I said sitting up against the stone wall leaning my head back and closing my eyes. I knew Aaron wasn't going to just drop the subject, he never did, but what kind of hope did we have of getting out when there are hunters at every door and one of the wolves needing to get out couldn't fight yet?

"You can't do this all by yourself. Let us take some of the beatings. You need as much strength you can get. We can get out of here together." His whispered yells not having any effect on me what-so-ever. He could talk about an escape all he wanted, but until Tori learned how to fight and fight well, we didn't have a chance, and frankly the best way to learn how to kill a hunter was by training under a hunter.

"You forget, Aaron, I am at least four centuries older than you and have been dealing with these hunters for the last five hundred years. They can't hurt me as long as you and Tori are okay." I told him in a clamming voice. I didn't want to sound like a mother, but I think that's the closest thing it could be compared to.

"This isn't fair. You didn't do anything wrong." He said with a frown on his face.

"That's not how he sees it and besides it doesn't matter." I said. Aaron was still pretty short tempered and quick to his actions. He still needed to learn how to control his emotions

"Bayne oh my gosh!" I heard the fragile voice of Tori coming closer to me. She was only seventeen, but had already witnessed more evil in the world than a war veteran five times her age.

"Tori, what did I tell you about showing emotions around here?" I scolded her. I was the closest thing ether of them had to a parent, and honestly I felt bad for them. I was not kind; I did not hold their hand and tell them it was going to be okay. I told them the truth and in the world we live in the truth is ugly and cruel.

"To not show them who you care about." She said in a small disappointed voice. I only scolded her because I wanted her to be safe, she didn't need to learn the way I had. The beatings she got were not with whips or with knives, the guards were not allowed to touch Tori until she started training and I had gotten him to agree to holding off her training until she turned twenty.

"Now, get out of here before someone finds you." I told them, but my words came too late. I heard the door open at the end of the hall and footsteps moving towards us. The air smelled of alcohol and death, I knew it was him; no one else in this compound carried the smell of death with them ever where they went.

"So, you and your little friends here are having a party. And I wasn't invited?" he put his hand on his chest and put a fake hurt expression on his face. "I'm hurt Bayne." Then he frowned. In less than a blink of an eye he had Aaron across the room on his back and Tori by her hair. An evil smile was painted on his face as he pulled at her hair, making her yelp.

"No!" I called out; I didn't want another child to be treated like this. My outburst caught his attention but it was a little too desperate, big mistake.

"Oh? And why not?" he asked sarcastically, his cold dead eyes taunting me. "What's to stop me from putting a silver bullet in her pretty little head?" He pulled out his favorite hand gun and cocked it, the thing stank of silver and wolfs bane. My heart beat quickened when he put the barrel of the gun to Tori's head. Tori was not immune to silver like I was, and neither was Aaron. Even though Tori wasn't a normal wolf, she wouldn't survive a head shot. One wrong move and they would both be dead.

"Don't." I said masking my hatred for him and my fear for their lives. I had to be smart about this; he was a sick man with a sick plan. "If you kill her you won't have another wolf like me. She's the only one who can take my place and you know it." All I said was true. Tori and I where the only she wolves known to have the strength to pull off what he wanted, and the only wolves known to be able to take power from whoever we killed. We were touched by our goddess, blessed and cursed. Our pitch black coats and large size were indicators that we were not to be messed with, and if you dared, you would die. Both Tori and I were larger than the average she wolf, almost as big as an alpha male, and every wolf we killed only made us stronger.

"Huh, you're right about that." He threw Tori away from him and pointed his gun at Aaron, "But he is not a wolf prodigy. I can kill him and still get my point across." My heart must have stopped as time slowed down. I saw each muscle in his hand tense as he got ready to pull the trigger. Aaron didn't move, and I knew he was too stubborn to back down from a fight, that would be his downfall.

"NO!" In a blink of an eye Tori had picked herself up and moved in front of Aaron just as the bullet left the barrel of the gun. The bullet hit Tori just to the right of her heart, not striking it, but still a deadly wound if not treated immediately, add to that the burning of the silver that had entered her blood stream, there was no saving her now. She fell back into Aarons arms as he gently guided her down to the floor, his face showing his shock and pain. At that moment my wolf took over and I only saw red. I ripped the cell door off its hinges, shifted and lunged at him, but being the annoying immortal Vampire he was, he disappeared into thin air.

"Bayne!" Aaron called my attention back over to the dying Tori. I padded over to them and gently nudged her arm with my nose. Her eyes flickered over to me and she smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry." She gasped "I couldn't let him kill Aaron." She whimpered as she breathed. I shook my large wolf head trying to tell her it was okay. She raised her shaking hand, placed it on my cheek and closed her eyes. She surprised me by smiling and finally giving in to the eternal sleep that was pulling her to our goddess. I lay down beside her fallen hand and closed my eyes, but I didn't cry for the brave girl that risked her life for her friend, she was finally free from this hell whole; she was with our goddess in the land of peace.

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