Chapter 21

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Unknown POV

I had been tracking Sercko since he tried to kill me, and when I catch him he won't know what hit him. I had also been keeping tabs on Bayne and Aaron, they are after the same thing I am, revenge. I was currently just inside Twin Moon pack territory when I heard fast footsteps, hiding behind a tree and keeping my scent hidden I waited until I knew who it was.

"MOVE IT YOU DOGS" someone yelled, a group of people ran past my hiding spot. Some smelt like this territory, and others didn't. But one stood out amongst the rest.


"Man, how does she do that?" one of the men asked, someone chuckled sending shivers down my spine, "What are you laughing at?" a man asked

"You're underestimating her. She can do things that you couldn't even imagine doing, but everything comes with a price." He said grimly

"What are you talking about?" another man asked

"You'd be surprised with what she is capable of doing." He told them.

"Yah, like digging out two silver bullets from her stomach..." a large man with short hair said

"...and doing it without showing any signs of pain." A man who looked just like the short haired man said.

I kind of tuned out after that. They had to be talking about Bayne, no other wolf I knew could pull two bullets out by themselves, and if those bullets were silver there would be no chance.

"But... Silver that causes extreme pain and sometimes your body starts shutting down, how did she..."

"She's been through worse." I didn't want to hear any more, I knew Bayne had it hard; I didn't need to be reminded of it. I had to talk to Bayne, alone.

I followed in the shadows as what looked like half the pack ran around the pack territory, although some were slowing down and falling behind. After following Bayne and her pack around for a while I picked up the scent of a hunter headed for the slower half of the pack. I knew Sercko had sent him, probably for Bayne, he still didn't know I was alive. I decided to stay behind with them so they weren't completely unprotected. They had all stopped running, some sat down and others collapsed on the ground.

"I can't believe how much she's having us do, I haven't run this much since I was a kid." An older man said as he slumped over, putting his elbows on his knees and his head between his knees.

"And you know she's got more training for us back at the house." Another man said, he didn't smell the same as the others; he had to be from a different pack, which meant there were three alphas in this territory, the two twins and one from whichever pack was visiting.

"If she keeps training us like this she's going to have a pack of people who are too tired to fight when it really matters." A woman complained.

"Why aren't you running?" a dangerous voice called as a figure emerged from the trees.

"We needed a break." One of the Twin Moon wolves said

"You're running us too hard, we can't keep up." Another said.

"I don't expect you to keep up with me, but keep up with your pack." Bayne told them, obviously not happy with their excuse for a break. "When you're fighting you need to be able to count on your pack, and they need to be able to count on you. That won't happen unless you are right by their side, fighting and running. Stick with them and they will stick with you." She turned to walk away when someone spoke up.

"What about you? You run off by yourself all the time, who's got your back? Who counts on you?" Bayne looked back at the person who spoke and made eye contact.

"I run by myself because I trust no one, that's how I was trained. I protect everyone who is or ever was controlled by hunters, anyone who has suffered the same pain I have, or even a fraction of it; I protect anyone who needs my protection." She said with no emotion.

"That's a lot of wolves who are counting on you..." a woman started

"It's the whole wolf population, anyone who has ever had a hunter problem, or rogue problem... you can't possibly be protecting everyone." A man said from behind the woman.

"When I kill Sercko and his hunters, everyone will be safe." And she was right, Sercko controls every hunter.

"But you can't kill all of them, there's too many." Someone else said.

"There is only one Lead hunter out there now; taking him down will cause the empire to fall. All the humans who don't know of our existence stay ignorant, those who don't have a problem with us will find peace, and those few who don't like us will be too afraid to do anything. Now get on your feet and get to the pack house together." She turned around to start running back with the pack. I caught the scent of the hunter again when a small, almost non present, whizzing sound rang through the air. Bayne reached up and pulled a small dart out from the back of her neck, she spun around to search the area.

"GET TO THE PACK HOUSE NOW!" she yelled and everyone took off. She started back to what I assume was the pack house, but her steps were slow and getting slower by the minute. I followed after her silently, still in the shadows, when I heard the hunter start to run after her. Bayne must have heard as well because she stopped and looked around. She started to look pale and sick; her steps were tripping her up and looked like she was ready to pass out. Her knees gave out as the hunter came out from behind a tree.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" the man walked closer to her and knelt by her side. "This wouldn't happen to be the famous Bayne Silver? Would it?" his voice was dripping with sarcasm and hate.

"Go to... hell." She gasped out, she didn't sound strong enough to fight him off. I had to do something.

"Already been there sweet heart. And I don't plan on going back." He picked her up with one quick movement, throwing her over his shoulder; she just dangled there, not doing anything, not fighting back or anything. I had to act now.

"I would put her down right now if I were you." I said as I came out from behind the tree. The hunter smirked at me.

"And why is that sweet heart?" I smiled sadistically at him and charged. I knocked him over and unfortunately on top of Bayne. I picked him up off her and punched him in the nose then threw him into a tree. He got up and reached for a dagger in his back pocket. I could smell the wolfsbane on the silver dagger; quickly I dodged his attack with the dagger and got behind him. I jumped on his back and broke his neck in one swift movement. After he fell on the ground I ran over to Bayne. She looked up at me, but her face told me she didn't recognize me.

"It's alright, he's dead." She blinked a few times, trying to get her vision to clear up. I pulled her over to a tree close by and sat her up.

"Thanks." She whispered, her voice was weak and breathy.

"Hey, someone's got to have your back once in a while right?" I chuckled as I referred back to what she told the pack. "How do you feel?" I looked at her face to see her eyes closed, I quickly checked her pulse. It was beating, but it was faint. I knew she needed a doctor, but I couldn't just show up at the pack house with an unconscious Bayne. Instead I let out my scent and screamed as loud as I could. They would be here soon, and I couldn't be here when they showed up. I guess I would have to talk to Bayne later.

Twin Alphasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें