Chapter 40

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Bayne's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling sore and spent, upon taking inventory of myself and my surroundings I found that I was also completely naked. I was lying chest to chest on top of Josh who was still peacefully asleep and Aiden was lying on top of me, snoring softly in my ear. My right hand was intertwined with Josh's hand and my left was locked with Aiden's. A smile crept onto my face as my hazy mind made sense of what happened last night and this morning. I could still feel the heat, but it had significantly decreased during the night, I was now only mildly uncomfortable but at the same time I wasn't about to move from my spot. I was perfectly sandwiched between the only two men I would ever love... love. I hadn't thought about it much, but the love that I saw between any mated pair in my old pack sort of resembled what the three of us had... or at least what we had last night. I didn't know what love for a significant other... or others... was supposed to feel like. I never had a boyfriend or anything of that nature, not much time for dating when you are being bossed around by an immortal psychopath hell bent on destroying an entire race. I did know that what Josh and Aiden had shown me over the last few days made me feel differently, not only about myself, but also about them. And the things they said to me when I was feeling conflicted or confused lifted a weight on my shoulders. I didn't know how to explain it at the time, but in this moment the best word I can think of to define it would be Love. The idea of actually loving someone was an entirely new thing for me, the only people I loved were family and it's been so long I don't think I remember what it felt like.

I felt Josh sigh and his breathing wasn't as deep as it was a moment ago. He was waking up, and here I thought I would have a few more minutes to myself. I didn't say a word, just kept my head on Josh's chest and my eyes hooded. He would know I was awake, no sense in trying to hide it... but I didn't want to ruin the peace we were in by saying anything, and hopefully Josh understood and would stay quiet. He started drawing small circles on the back of my hand with his thumb and his free hand came up and moved a few strands of hair out of my face. I let out a content sigh and closed my eyes again, just enjoying the attention. It wasn't long before Josh started finger combing my hair, the tingling in my scalp sent calming waves down my back and almost put me back to sleep. I brought my hand, and ultimately his hand up to my face and placing the back of his hand on my cheek. His scent alone made my eyes flutter and the corners of my mouth turn up in a smile. He chuckled lightly and ran his fingers through my hair again, damn him and his magic hands. I lifted my gaze up to look at his face only to find him staring down at me with a lazy smile on his face.

"Good morning." He said in a whisper, his voice was husky with sleep and sent a shiver down my back. I breathed in his scent once again and closed my eyes as it filled my nose.

"Morning." I let out in a sigh.

"How did you sleep?" Josh seemed to be examining me as much as he could, trying to make sure I was physically alright and mentally all there.

I gave a small chuckle at his question and answered, "I didn't. Between you two and the heat I didn't get any sleep last night."

"Well what do you expect babe, a newly mated pair spends two full weeks alone in their bedroom after they initially mark one another... how do you think we fare as a triad?" Aiden's voice was low but right in my ear. His breath tickled his mark on my shoulder and made my breath hitch.

"I can only assume we'll need more time than a mated pair." Josh said through his chuckle. I frowned at the thought, not because I was angry. I had never known that a mated pair spent that much time together after marking. Two weeks repeating what happened last night, I would be exhausted. Not to mention nothing would get done as far as the pack goes. Sure Josh and Aiden's parents were here, but they couldn't approve anything for the Alphas. The pack would be on their own for two weeks.

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