Sighing I decided to look back at what was going on in front of me, and forget what was going on in the real world for now.

"Very good!" Natalia blushed.

"Would you mind, brother? Katerina?" Klaus asked with a smile. "I'd like a moment alone with her."

"Not at all, brother." Elijah smiled, happy to see his brother finding his mate once again. "Happy Birthday."

Natalia smiled and took Klaus's hand and joined the others in a very old dance.

Third Person's POV:
The Lockwood Mansion:

"Klaus is my brother." Elijah revealed.

"I heard that." Elena frowned. Unsure with herself that this was the best way to save her own life. "I'm still processing."

"Yes, I'm a little behind on the times. But the expression I believe you're looking for is O.M.G." Elijah smirked, taking a sip of tea.

Rose's POV:

"You are quite beautiful, Natalia." Klaus commented as they danced, causing Natalia to blush. This made me smile. He definitely was a charmer. I Gotta lookout for that when I wake up. "You must have had men swarming your father's door to court you."

"Actually, no, that was more, my sister." Natalia chuckled. "We may look alike, but she's the more outgoing one which she got a lot of admiration for. I just wish we didn't have to leave."

"Why did you leave, dear?" Klaus asked curiously.

"I'm not sure I should say." Natalia frowned.

"Then don't, it's quite alright love." Klaus said making Natalia smile.

The scene then changed to the end of the night.

"As lovely as this night has been, I should get Katerina and we should be on our way." Natalia told him kindly.

"If you must, but please, let me escort you ladies home. You never know when something may go bump in the night." Klaus smirked causing Natalia to giggle.

"We would love that." Natalia nodded.

Third Person's POV:
Alaric's Apartment:

Katherine was bored, listening to music as she spun around in a chair. It didn't take her long to decide she'd start snooping. She smiled to herself when she saw that the first cupboard door she opened contained bourbon.

Taking the bottle she took a big sip before she heard footsteps and voices causing her to freeze.

"Alaric, are you home?" Andy asked as she knocked on the door. Katherine huffed when she wasn't physically able to touch the door nob because of the compulsion Klaus put her under. "It's Andy Starr, Jenna's friend."

Katherine turned to walk away but turned around when Damon broke the lock and Andy opened the door.

"Thank God." Katherine sighed.

"Wow," Andy said in amazement. "You were right. She looks exactly like Rose."

"Yep." Damon said about to step in, then sighed when he hit the invisible barrier that kept vampires out. Damon then frowned looking at Katherine. "Thought you might be dead."

"Unfortunately not." Katherine frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"We are here to rescue you!" Andy smiled making Katherine look at her weirdly.

"No, sweetie. We are here to see if she deserves to be rescued." Damon corrected.

"Right." Andy nodded as she looked around Alaric's place.

"I figured you still might be kicking." Damon stated. "Alari-Klaus was blending in too easily. Figured he might have had some coaching."

Damon then held up a vile.

"Is that....."

"Vervain?" Damon smirked. "Your salvation?"

"It's not going to undo anything." Katherine frowned.

"There's always a loophole. Did he tell you to stay in this apartment until it was okay to leave?" Damon asked. Katherine went to speak but frowned when she noticed nothing came out. "You can't say. Did he tell you to do absolutely everything he told you to do until the end of time?"

"No." Katherine quickly said making Damon smirk.

"There's your loophole. Drink this and it'll prevent any further compulsion."

Katherine went to go take it but Damon quickly pulled his hand away.

"Give it to me!" Katherine demanded.

"Answer one question first." Damon frowned. "You double-crossed us with Isobel, why?"

"I didn't think you stood a chance again Klaus, so I was looking out for myself." Katherine admitted.

"And where did that get you?" Damon frowned. "You know for some hell of a reason, Rose has been worried sick about you. Do you just not care about her?"

"Of course I care!" Katherine hissed. "Rosalie will always be safe with Klaus, you know why? Because no matter if she's a doppelgänger or not, he will always care. You may think that is one weakness he may have, but in reality, together, they're their each other's biggest strengths! And God help you if you double-cross either of them when they get together."

"Even more reason to kill Klaus while we can." Damon stated, handing Katherine the vervain. "Be careful with that, if Klaus finds out you have that you're never getting out of here."

Katherine frowned and quickly downed half the vervain, causing her to cough.

"You owe me, and I will collect." Damon said turning to leave.

"Wait!" Katherine pleaded. "How is Rosie? Is she okay?"

"She's in a magical coma getting all her memories back. She should be waking up anytime soon. She's okay." Damon assures making Katherine sigh out in relief.

"Come on." Damon tells Andy.

"It was nice meeting you!" Andy told Katherine before closing the door behind her.

Rose's POV:

Natalia and Katerina were at their b&b when a knock was heard on their door. Natalia got up and answered it.

"Yes?" Natalia asked the man.

"A letter, coutousies of Lord Klaus." The man stated, handing the letter to Natalia before leaving.

"What is it?" Katherine asked as Natalia read the letter.

"It's an invitation." Natalia smiled. "The Lord Niklaus wants to have us back at their castle tonight for dinner with him and his family."

"Oh, I don't know." Katherine frowned.

"Come on sister, I see the way Lord Elijah looks at you, and you him." Natalia smirks causing Katherine to laugh and smile.

"I could say the same of you and Lord Niklaus." Katherine smirked causing both girls to giggle.

"So it's settled then." Natalia smiled. "We're going."

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