XXXIX: Love for Her Fallen Knight

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After the Calamity

Link found himself in Rito village, hoping to buy some things from the Slippery Falcon. He had run into Kass, a member of the Rito, many times prior. In fact, he solved several shrine riddles that Kass gave to him. Link wondered how long it would be before Kass returned home.

As Link entered the shop, Amali walked in and hugged Link. She looked overjoyed.

"Link, my husband has returned home! Thank you for bringing him back to us!"

Link nodded and smiled, feeling joyful that he could reunite their family.

"If you want to meet with him, he is up near the shrine."

The cane sugar could wait. He had taken an odd liking to fruitcake all of a sudden, though he didn't know why. He seemed to not be able to get enough of it recently.

Link walked up the winding stairs of the village and heard the melody from Kass's accordion from a distance. With each step he took, the music grew slightly louder. It was a tune he knew all too well.

Kass stopped playing when he heard Link approach. The Rito turned his head, welcoming the friend he had encountered many times in the wild. "Hello there," he said. "I knew I would see you again."

Link listened to Kass ramble on before asking him if he wanted to hear a song, which was their usual interaction. Link said yes and listened as the music took him by surprise.

"An Ancient Hero, A Calamity Appears, Now Resurrected After Ten-thousand Years, Her Appointed Knight Gives His Life, Shields Her Figure and Pays the Price, The Princess's Love for her Fallen Knight, Awakens Her Power and Calamity Cowers-"

Link kind of stopped listening after that and his mind trailed off. She... loved me? He thought to himself. Link didn't hear the rest of the song. He knew they had become close friends, but none of his memories indicated they were anything more than that. He focused hard for a moment, trying to bring back anything that would tell him why. But he couldn't remember. 'The Princess's love for her fallen knight'... it played in his head on repeat. Did I love her? He wondered.

"So, did you enjoy the song?" Kass asked.

Link was zoned out until the Rito spoke a wrenched him back into reality. Thinking about the princess seemed to disconnect Link from what was really happening in his world. It was, in a way, how he escaped his duty- how he escaped his horrible reality.

Link regained his focus and nodded to Kass. Kass had seen Link smile and nod many times, but he noticed something different about the knight this time. It seemed that behind Link's normally intense gaze, he was distracted. For maybe the first time since Link woke from the Shrine of Resurrection, he was unfocused.

Anything, Link thought. I'll take anything that can help me remember.

Hi!! Sorry for the very late update, I didn't have access to my computer over the last week. School is starting up for me, so I might be a little unreliable with updating for a bit, but I will still be working on this!

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