Villains Never Get a Happy Ending

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Izuku Midoriya x Villain! Male Reader

Inspiration: Brand New Day - Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog

If you haven't ever heard the soundtrack for Dr. Horrible, I recommend you listen to it. It's really good!! :)

Quirk: Chemical - Your body can produce various different chemicals - liquid, gas, or powder - as long as you know what they are and what they do/how they work.

Drawback: Scarring of skin, blotches of unnaturally dyed skin, poor eyesight, shortness of breath due to toxic smoke from some chemicals and experiments, and your voice has been affected by some of your previous, more dangerous experiments.

(Y'all better appreciate this, I did a shit ton of research for this one. I'm talkin' hours of research. So enjoy.)

He groaned as he stirred awake, blinking his bright red eyes as he shook his head slightly. He tried to lift his hands to stand up, but quickly realized he was restricted from doing so. Looking around for any noticeable landmarks or details to guess where he was, he couldn't find any. It was nearly completely empty.

The only thing that was there was a desk covered in monitors, keyboards, wires and papers scattered all over it; some had even fallen to the floor.

The blonde scanned over the paper that had landed in front of him, trying to make sense of the unorganized jumbles of notes, sketches and chemical recipes with the solution written on the opposite corner of the paper.

He stopped reading when he heard loud and quick-paced footsteps coming from down the hall, an irritated voice following them.

"No! That's not right! Damnit! The times I wish I were at least a little more organized than this..!"

A tall, messy (h/c) haired rushed into the room, his (e/c) eyes moving rapidly across the sheet of paper he was holding, flipping through the different ones he held - clearly trying to find something.

"Fuck! You've really done it now, (Y/- Ah, you're awake." His black dress shoes clicked against the cold tile floor as he approached his captive, though his face was still hidden by the shadow of the dark location.

"I hope you're feeling alright, Mr. ..." He stopped for a second, his mouth open as he was trying his very hardest to recall this guy's name.

"Excuse me for a moment," the (s/t) man rushed back to the desk, throwing things around left and right until he exclaimed in victory.

"As I was saying, I hope you're feeling alright, Mr. Bakugou Katsuki."

"Let me outta here, you annoying shit!" Bakugou hissed back, gritting his teeth as he pulled against the restraints.

"Come now, is that any way to treat the man that was so careful to not cut your arms open strapping you down?" The other gave a fake pout, hand on his chest before he immediately dropped the act, his face shifting into one of annoyance.

"Yeah, I don't care. Now, if you would be so kind as to keep that loud mouth of yours shut, I have some important work to do." He gave a passive aggressive smile as he nodded his head - though it went unseen, dropping it again when he powered up his computer system, the light for the screens giving Katsuki a look at his face.

It wasn't the most clear, but it was clear enough for him to figure out who he was.

"You're that mad scientist Villain, aren't you? Dr. Jackass or whatever?" The Villain growled in aggravation.

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