Making Dreams Come True

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Todoroki x Civillian!Male!Reader

(I will be using my OC Hiroyuki's Quirks for these one-shots :) Enjoy.)

It was a slow day at the laundromat in Masutafu, Japan; A very slow day. And (Y/n) (L/n) was a simple teen. He worked at the laundromat 24/7, ever since his mother passed, he'd been slaving away day after day, night after night, to raise funds for his monthly rent.

It was January of 2020, and the deadline was coming up fast.

He was loading some of his own dirty clothes up into one of the many washing machines when a certain stone-faced but warm-hearted Hero-in-Training wandered in, holding a small hamper of clothes.

(Y/n)'s head snapped to his right upon hearing a horrid and frightening rattling noise emitting from one of the dryers against the wall. No more than a second later, there was an alarming amount of smoke spewing out of the motor.

"Ah! Shit!" (Y/n) exclaimed, standing up abruptly from where he was squatting in front of a washer and sprinting over to the dysfunctional piece of junk, his unbuttoned green flannel shirt trailing behind him.

Beneath his feet were small circles with curved points that shaped out and back in every so often.

The only other person in the building noticed this, his heterochromatic eyes observing curiously.

"Come on, you stupid old piece of-" The (h/c)ette (or blonde) panicked when the door of the machine flew off the hinges, heading for the other teens face.

Thankfully, (Y/n) caught it in time. Not physically with his hands though. He used his Quirk instead.

The small round see-through door was stopped in the air, a barely visible fluid-like bubble type thing was how it stayed there, is what the other suspected.

"That was a close one, don't you think?" The taller said nonchalantly, startling the worker a significant amount considering the door suddenly dropped to the floor on top of the washer in front of the stoic male.

"O-oh! Oh my god, I am so, so sorry!" (Y/n) fumbled, his feet patted against the tile floor as he picked the door up with his hands this time. And before you ask, no, he wasn't wearing shoes. Only socks.

The other teen was amused, seeing how comfortable and careless of other people's thoughts he was. It was admirable.

"It's alright."

"Uh, is there anything I can help you with?" (Y/n) asked, brushing some (h/c) flyaways out of his face and blending it back into the rest of his hair that was pulled back into a (insert tied up hair style), showing the rest of his shaved down hair. (That part is optional. It doesn't have to be shaved down.)

"Yes. Do you have anything here that will either create stains on clothes, or change the colors completely?" He replied, striking the shorter confused.

"You want to... create stains? Like, on purpose?" He raised a brow, straining himself to not laugh.

"Yes. Very much so."

"I can check the closet for ya, but I don't think we've got anything to make stains." He wandered back to where he was before, going a little further this time to a slim wooden door.

"What's your name? If you don't mind me askin'."

"To- Shouto. My, uh, my name is Shouto." The half-n-half student replied, carelessly letting the clothes fall to the floor. Noticing one of Natsuo's favorite shirts, he knelt down and picked it up.

"Do you need some help with that?" (Y/n) asked, coming back with empty hands.

"Hm? Oh no, these are my Father's clothes. It's fine."

"Ah. So what you're sayin' is, your Pops is quite the asshole." He smirked, leaning an elbow on the machine right next to them.

Shouto snickered a bit, letting a small smile appear on his lips. Seeing that made his entire aura light up and made (Y/n)'s face grow hot.

"Well, I, um, I should get back to workin'." (Y/n) stuttered, standing back up straight.

"Wait," the other called out, "what about your name?"

"Oh! It's (L/n), but you can call me (N/n)!" The shorter smiled brightly.

"Your Quirks. They seemed very useful." He commented, throwing Endeavor's clothes in the washer, mixing whites with reds. How funny.

"Yeah. I only ever use my Mom's side Quirk when I'm late for something. My Dad's does come along helpful for everyday tasks though." (Y/n) shrugged, grabbing a screw driver from a shelf next to the closet door.

"Have you ever thought about... using them for something more?" The taller teen asked, closing the lid of the machine, still not paying attention to whatever setting he put it on and starting it.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, have you ever thought about saving people? You know, becoming a Pro Hero."

(Y/n) was taken aback by the question, but quickly recovered.


Shouto smiled again, disregarding the clothes and taking his new 'friend', as Midorya called them, by the hand and leading him out of the laundromat.

"Ah, where are we going!? I have work!"

"Forget about work. We're going to Yuuei."


(Part One - end)

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