Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I woke up to someone slapping my face. I open my eyes and spot a baby on me slapping me with all its might. The baby looks familiar too.
"Ay, stop that!" Rodgers yelled, getting the baby off of me. "Leave him alone, he's sleeping."
Rodgers looks down at me and sees that I'm awake.
"Sorry Bro." He said.
"It's fine." I said, rubbing my eyes.
I sit up and look at the TV which was displaying some kid show. Why is Rodgers watching a kid show? I look around and see two kids sitting in front of the TV eating cereal and they look familiar as well.
"Hi, Alex." The girl said.
I smile and wave at her. I look at Rodgers questioningly.
"You don't remember them?" He asked.
"He doesn't remember us?" The girl asked, turning to face Rodgers and I.
"Be careful, because if you spill that cereal on my carpet I'm going to get you." Rodgers said. "And you're going to clean it up."
"I'm finished already."
She nods.
"Is all the milk gone?"
The girl is quiet for a moment.
"Uh-huh, so take the bowl downstairs and put it in the sink so you won't make no mess in here." Rodgers said.
Oh these are his nephews and niece! Tyler, Xavier, and Sofia!
"Okay." Sofia said.
She turned back around and grabbed her bowl and walked out of the room.
"Babysitting day?" I asked.
Rodgers nods.
"The family went out to different places and I was the only one who didn't have plans today." Rodgers explained.
"What, the party boy doesn't have plans today?" I asked standing up.
Rodgers chuckles as Tyler laughs. I smile as I began to head out the door. When I open the door I ran into Sofia.
"Oof!" She said as she fell on her butt.
"Ooh, sorry!" I said, helping her up.
"It's okay." She said.
She studies me and blushes.
"You're smoking hot." She said.
My jaw dropped. She's a little girl! Why is she finding someone like me attractive? I take it her mother says things like that to her father and she over hears them because little kids copy everything they see and or hear.
"This is the part where you say-"
"Thank you." I quickly interrupt.
I then start to storm off into the bathroom. I got inside the bathroom and was about to shut the door when Sofia says:
"Do you need help in there?"
My eyes widen.
"What?" I asked. "No!"
"Okay." Sofia says before disappearing in Rodgers room.
What the hell?

After using the restroom I went back to Rodgers room and played with the kids. Soon we all started to crave snacks.
"Hey, I want some gummy bears." Rodgers said.
"Me too!" Sofia said, looking at the teddy bear Rodgers gave her.
It was a light brown bear with a baby blue nose and ears (the insides of the ears were blue).
"You wanna go and get some junk food?" Rodgers asked.
"I do!" Xavier shouts.
"Alright let's go!" Rodgers said.
He stood up and grabbed Tyler. Tyler squealed in his weirdly happy way and the other two ran downstairs to put their shoes on. Rodgers and I put our shoes on and follow Sofia and Xavier downstairs.
"Y'all ready?" He asked.
"Yes!" They both say excitedly.
"Alright come on."
Rodgers looks at me while Tyler plays with his uncles chain.
"Should we go to an actual grocery store or go to a gas station store?" Rodgers asked as we head out the door.
"It doesn't matter." I replied.
"We'll go to a grocery store." Rodgers said.
The only problem I had with rain was that if you're in it you get wet, fully clothed but now I have two things against it. One you get wet with your clothes on, two the humidity. Holy shit, it's fucking hot outside. We were about a block away from the store when Rodgers starts complaining about how his arms hurt from carrying Tyler.
"Do you want me to hold him?" I asked.
"Do you want to?" He asked.
I looked at Tyler. He was laying his head on Rodgers shoulder, sound asleep.
"Nah, I better not, he's sleep." I say in a hushed tone.
"That's why he stopped kicking me in the stomach!" Rodgers said.
I chuckle a little. Xavier and Sofia were singing and dashing up ahead their hands clasped together.
"What are they singing?" I asked, pointing to the siblings.
"I don't know, most likely something from one of their favorite TV shows." Rodgers replied.
When we get to the store I head to the restroom with Xavier. I was waiting outside for him before I discovered that I had to go too. I walk inside the men's room and see that Xavier was at the sink.
"Everything is fine." He said, washing his hands.
"That's good." I said. "Stay there while I use the restroom."
I approach a urinal and use the restroom. When I was done I spot Xavier standing by the urinal. I jump.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You told me to stay here while you use the restroom." He said.
I smile, mainly relived that it was him because at first I thought it was some stranger trying to stare at what makes me a male.
"Right." I say.
"Hurry before, Sofia and Uncle Rodgers finish!" Xavier said.
Zipping up my fly I walk to the sink and wash my hands. I dry them on our way out the restroom. As we turn the corner Xavier bumps into someone.
"Sorry." He said.
I look at the person he bumped into and realize that it's Karina.
"It's okay." She said.
She looks up at me.
"Hey, Alex!" She said smiling brightly.
"Are you supposed to-"
"Shh, I won't tell if you won't." She said, her pointer finger over her lips vertically.
I frown.
"Ugh, can we go!" Xavier groaned, pulling my hand.
"I'll come by later." I said as Xavier drags me off to the candy section.
"Okay, and when you come by I'll have some great news to tell you!" She yelled.
I didn't get a chance to reply to her because Xavier was pulling me. Rodgers and I were about to spend about fifty six dollars on candy, chips, two movies, and Tyler's new ball (he was screaming when Rodgers took it from him and put it back on the shelf). The lady was about to bag the ball when Rodgers stopped her.
"Oh wait, can I have that please?" Rodgers asked.
The lady looks at Rodgers, confused.
"The ball?" She asked.
". . . Yes the ball." Rodgers said.
The lady looked at the ball and back at Rodgers.
"Just give me the ball." Rodgers said, reaching over the register and grabbing the ball. "Here you go little man."
Tyler looked at the ball and smiled as he took it.
"Your total is seventy one, seventy six." The lady said, chewing on her gum obnoxiously.
"Would you hold him?" Rodgers asked.
I take Tyler from Rodgers and Tyler drops the ball. Before it hit the ground Xavier catches it. I take it from him and hand it back to Tyler. After Rodgers pays for the stuff we began to head out. On our way out we got stopped by two elderly ladies.
"You know it looks so good to see a gay couple raising adopted kids." One of them said.
Rodgers and I look at each other. Are they serious? Gay couple?
"Well, the kids kind of do look like the Hispanic one." The other lady said.
I look at the three siblings and honestly they do. They look like they were his kids instead of his nephews and niece.
"We're not gay." Rodgers said.
"Oh." One of the ladies said.
She looked like we offended her.
"Friends?" She asked.
Rodgers nods slowly while I try to process everything that's happening right now. Sofia gasped.
"Uncle Rodgers look at this huge roach!" Sofia yelled.
"Oh they're his nephews and niece." The other lady said. "Our apologies, have a good rest of your day."
"You too." Rodger said, before walking again. "Sofie, lets go!"
We were in Rodgers neighborhood when I start to smell this really disgusting smell.
"Is that the sewer?" I asked.
"I can't believe they called us gay." Rodgers said.
I ignore Rodgers comment and sniff the air. I then feel something warm on my forearm and Tyler grunt.
Oh . . . my god! He's pooping and it's oozing out of his diaper and onto my arm. Oh—I think I'm going to be sick!
"Rodge, your nephew is pooping." I said.
Rodgers looks at me and then at Tyler.
"We're almost home." He said.
"No!" I say as I come to a halt. "It's on my arm."
"Bro, what do you want me to do?" Rodgers asked. "I don't have wipes or diapers with me."
I groan as we continue to walk.
When we got back to Rodgers place Rodgers took Tyler and changed his diaper. I on the other hand went to the restroom to clean my arm. After I washed my arm I went back into Rodgers room and see that he had put on one of the movies he has just bought. Rodgers had Tyler in his lap on his bed as he ate some gummy bears while Tyler played with his new ball. Sofia and Xavier was laying on the floor eating popcorn, their eyes glued to the TV screen.
I walk in and sit next to Rodgers and begin watching the TV with everyone.

After laughing until we started crying Rodgers brother comes and get the three siblings and went home. Rodgers was tasked with some chores while I packed up my stuff. My next place to stay was Karinas . . . hopefully. Rodgers came in the room with a vacuum. He noticed me packing up.
"It was fun having you over man." Rodgers said.
"It was fun to be here." I said.
Rodgers bends down and plugs in the vacuum.
"Are you going start heading out now or . . ?" Rodgers asked.
I look out his window and see that the sun is starting to set.
"Um, yeah, I better get going before it gets dark." I said.
"Alright bro, see you tomorrow at school." He said.
I walk over to him and we do a little handshake and I grab my stuff and head out.
"See tomorrow." I said.
I really didn't want to leave but his Mom said I could only stay for one night. On the bright side I am going to Karinas house!

When I got to Karinas house I noticed that the lights were all off. It was about seven thirty so they might be gone somewhere. I then see a shadow in through the window. My heart stops. Am I nervous? Why am I nervous? I ignore my nervousness and knock on the door. A few seconds pass and someone opens the door, Karina to be specific. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.
"Come in!" She said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside.
We went upstairs to her room and she slammed the door behind her. I drop my bag on the floor and Karinas smile disappears.
"Why do you have a suit case?" She asked.
"Long story short I got kicked out." I said.
"Oh." Karina said gently. "I'm so sorry to hear that. . . . Do you have a place to stay?"
I shake my head.
"Oh . . ."
"I was hoping I could stay here." I say, my voice low.
"I can ask my Mom when she comes back." Karina said.
"Okay." I said as I sit down on her bed.
Karinas smile appears on her face again. She hops over to me and sits in my lap. Wow . . . that's new. She wrapped her arms around my neck and to keep her from falling I place my hands on her hips. She's so small.
"So . . ." I said, swallowing thickly. "What did you want to talk about?"
Karina bit her lip.
"Do you still want me?" She asked.
"Hell yeah!" I said.
Karina laughs as she pushed me down on her bed, laying me down. She started raising my shirt up, trying to take it off.
"Wait what about your brother?" I asked.
Karina finally takes my shirt off and says;
"What about him?" She asked.
"He doesn't want me around you." I replied.
"But I do." Karina said, gently kissing my abs.
I lay my head back and enjoy they way her lips feel on my stomach.
"I want you around me." Karina mumbles.
She comes back up and I look at her.
"Let me kiss you." I said.
Karina smiles.
"No, I'm the boss." She said. "Now relax and let me please you."
She starts to peel her clothes off and the scar from her surgery made her look sexy.
"I want you so bad." I said.
When Karina was stripped down to her bra and panties she kisses me hard.
"You're so sexy." I mumbled.
"So are you?" Karina mumbles.
I tried taking off her bra but she stopped me.
"What?" I asked.
"I need to tell you something before you try to get comfortable with me." Karina said.
"Okay . . ."

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