Chapter Fourteen

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When Rodgers and I got to school we had to go to the office to get a late slip.
"This fucking sucks." Rodgers grumbles.
"Yeah it does." I mumble.
When we get to the office I open the door for the both of us and we walk up to the front desk. Rodgers quickly hides behind me. I frown.
"Keep walking." I whisper yells.
He is crouching behind me holding onto my shirt like he will fall off a cliff if he didn't.
"Are you okay bro?" I asked.
"Shh, you'll give me away." Rodgers said.
"Who are you-"
I feel a sharp pain in my back.
"Ow!" I yell. "Did you just pinch me?"
"Uh who are you talking to?" A female voice asked.
I look around and see Kayla.
"Uh—hey K-K-Kayla." I said, trying to keep Rodgers hidden.
Kayla looks at me an eyebrow raised. She was in a professional outfit today. A tight black knee length skirt and a white off the shoulder shirt. Her hair was curled and she had a little bit of makeup on and to my surprise she was wearing long diamond earrings that brushed against her shoulders and they looked pretty on her.
"Office duty today?" I asked.
Kayla rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm the principals personal maid." She said, waving the freshly printed paper in her hand.
"Tuff." I said.
I start to feel something weird on my back. I assumed it was Rodgers telling me to wrap up the conversation. So I clear my throat and say;
"Uh, well-"
"Rodgers stand up straight, I can see your butt poking out in the air." Kayla said.
I feel Rodgers hesitate a little but eventually he stood up straight and stood by my side. The two stared at each other. Kayla was looking Rodgers straight in the eyes judgement clear in her eyes.
"You're a dumb ass you know that?" Kayla asked.
"Yeah well at least I'm not the one who got suspended!" Rodgers states.
Kayla chuckles a little.
"At least I wasn't late to school." She remarked.
"At least . . ." Rodgers said.
"At least what?" Kayla asked, clearly challenging Rodgers.
He didn't reply.
"A little help here please!" Rodgers said.
"Why do I have to be brought into this?" I asked.
"Because you're my homie." Rodgers said.
"Oh hey Alex, are we still on for tomorrow night?" Kayla asked in a flirty tone.
She got closer to me and rubbed her hands against my chest and went all the way down to my abs.
"Ooh, you're getting me wet already." Kayla said.
"Uh, what?" I asked confused.
"We can't do it here in front of the schools staff and in front of the principals office." Kayla said, gesturing towards Principal Evans office. "And at school."
She whispered that last sentence.
"Ay, what is she talking about?" Rodgers asked.
"I don't know." I replied.
"You don't know?"
"That's what I said."
"Kayla stop acting like a hoe and leave us alone." Rodgers said.
Kayla gasped dramatically.
"Teacher! Rodgers just used foul language!" Kayla said.
Rodgers sighed as one of the ladies from behind the desk comes walking towards us.
"Which one of you is Rodgers?" The lady asked.
Rodgers slowly raised his hand.
"What did this young man say."
"He called me a-"
Kayla looked at the lady with her innocent eyes.
"Go ahead and say it."
"A hoe." Kayla finished.
The lady looked at me.
"Is this true?" She asked.
"I just came in here to get a late slip." I said.
Rodgers hit me and I looked at him.
"What?" I asked.
"You're supposed to back me up!" Rodgers said.
"Follow me young man."
The lady began to walk and Rodgers sighed annoyed and followed her. Kayla chuckled at her accomplishment and I look at her.
"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"What, he deserved it." She said.
I shake my head and begin to walk to the front desk. Kayla on the other hand made her way to the principals office.
"Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked when I approach her.
She was looking at some online store shopping for shoes (pink heels to be specific).
"Yes, can I get a tardy slip?" I asked.
It seemed like the lady was ignoring me because it took her a long time before she responded to me.
"And why are you tardy young man?" She asked.
She started chewing her gum awkwardly and she fixed her glasses as she looked at me.
"Traffic." I replied.
"Oh well here's a tip . . . get up earlier!"
This secretary is rude! She must be new because I didn't recognize her face and she wouldn't have been shopping for pink heels online while working.
"Now have a nice day." She adds.
"But I didn't get a tardy slip." I said.
The lady sighs and she looks behind her.
"The basket is too far." She complained.
That explained why she was so chunky.
"It's like ten steps away." I said, looking between her and the basket full of tardy slips.
"Are you smart mouthing me, young man?!" She asked her voice a little loud.
"No I just really need a-"
"No don't take your anger out on me because you are late!"
She is making a scene that didn't need to be made. I sigh, trying not to lash out on the lady. Mrs. Lee comes up to the secretary.
"Is everything alright over here?" Mrs. Lee asked.
"No, this young man just insulted me because he was late!"
Mrs. Lee looks at me with confused eyes.
"Mrs. Lee I did not call her fat." I said my tone soft.
"He most certainly did!"
The secretary starts to sob.
"You know I try to hit the gym every now and then and try to eat a salad but sometimes I get hungry again so I just go in the kitchen and eat a hamburger!" She said through sobs.
Her cheeks were now soaked with tears.
Mrs. Lee hugged her and looked at me. She mouthed to me:
"My office now!"
Come on bro, all of this to get a piece of paper ceiled in plastic . . . seriously! I start down the hall to Mrs. Lee's office. When I get there I sit down in one of the seats that sat in front of her desk. It's quiet so I can still hear the secretary crying.
"I just don't know what to do, Mrs. Lee." She said.
"Why don't you just calm down, go for a walk around the campus." Mrs. Lee suggested her voice delicate.
"Alright." Mrs. Lee said.
Talk about a dra-ma Queen. I then hear Mrs. Lee's heels clacking against the floor. She was approaching her office quickly. When she got to her office she closed her door.
"Good morning Alex." Mrs. Lee said, walking to her desk.
"Mrs. Lee." I say.
She sits down in her chair and sits aside a stack of papers and highlighters. She folded her hands and looked at me. It became harder for me to swallow as she stared at me as if she were some sort of stalker. Shit, my palms even became sweaty.
"Why are you late?" Mrs. Lee asked.
"Traffic." I replied.
"That's everyone's excuse, give me a different one." Mrs. Lee said.
I was silent for a moment.
"C'mon Alex, you know you can tell me anything, I've known you since you were a freshman." Mrs. Lee said.
It's true she was my school counsoler until she was replaced with Mr. Boaax (who is currently my counselor). I sigh and fix myself in my seat.
"My car ran out of gas and I needed to put more into it so I could get to school." I said. "The store was packed and I had to wait in line for a long time."
Mrs. Lee just looks at me.
"Honestly!" I add.
". . . It's believable." Mrs. Lee said, sitting back in her chair. "But to prevent you from being tardy again because of . . . this gas situation can we check our gas tank after school that way we know we can get to school without worrying about running out of gas before you get to school?"
I nod.
"Okay great." Mrs. Lee said.
She starts to type something into her computer. I on the other hand was confused. Why is She not yelling at me for supposedly calling the secretary fat? She pulls out a tardy slip from her desk and slides it over to me.
"Here you go." She said.
I take the slip, confused.
"What?" Mrs. Lee asked. "Wondering why I'm not yelling at you for calling Ms. Carroline fat?"
I hesitate at first but then nod. Mrs. Lee smiles.
"It's because I knew she was lying." Mrs. Lee said. "I'm an expert at telling if someone is faking or not."
I don't say a word and Mrs. Lee laughs.
"I also used to be a drama teacher and she is a very dramatic woman, so I know the entire language of pretend, Alex, have a good day."
She waves me off and I get up and walk out of her office. Let's just say that that did not go as I expected it to go!

The first two periods went by kind of fast (mainly because I missed over half of first period). Third period came which was Gym. I sigh as I entered the gym. There were a few boys playing basketball while Coach R was fixing something in his gym bag.
"Hey, Al!" Coach R said.
"Hey!" I said as I walked to the bleachers.
"Hurry up and go change!" Coach R said.
I nod as I sat my bag down and went to the boys locker room. When I entered the locker room I smelled someone's body spray and it smelled pretty good. It must be from one of the students in his second period.
"Alex!" I hear someone say.
I look to my right and see Greg coming towards me.
"Hey man." I said.
Greg drapes his arm around me as we walk to my locker.
"Are you going to Samanthas party tonight?" He asked.
"Samanthas party?"
"Yeah! It's like an after party after the game tonight!" Greg said.
Wait who's Samantha? Why didn't I know about the—oh wait I do remember about Samanthas party but I didn't know who Samantha was. I remember people talking about this party a week or two ago. It was all everyone was talking about.
"So . . . are you or are you not going?" Greg asked.
"Yeah, I think."'I said as I opened my locker.
"What do you mean you think?" Greg asked. "It's a definite yes or a definite no, one or the other."
"Isn't everyone going to be exhausted after the game?" I asked.
"Who cares about being tired, if anyone is tired they could drink a couple of drinks and pass out on the kitchen counter!" Greg said.
If you couldn't tell Greg was a loud person, almost every sentence coming out of his mouth he is yelling. That's why I barley talk to him. One time back in ninth grade I was talking to him and he was yelling so loud I couldn't hear in my right ear. I got scarred because I wanted to keep my hearing until I'm at least seventy five. I started avoiding him after that until sophomore year and now he just comes up to me when something rad is about to happen, he's like my human newspaper. Anyways I reconsider my answer and say:
"Yeah, I'm going, now can I change in privacy?"
Greg looked me up and down.
"Alright, see you in the gym bro?"
"See you there." I said.
Greg smiles and walks away. I watch him and when he turns the corner I peel off my shirt and that's when Greg comes pokes his head back around the corner.
"And don't forget we have a test today!" He said.
I jump, startled by his (out nowhere) yelling.
"Right!" I said, trying to hide my annoyance.
"Alright." Greg said.
He stared at my abs and I start to get uncomfortable so I try to hide them.
"Also . . . nice abs!" He said. "You got to teach me how to get abs like that. I bet you have all the girls in bed with you every Friday night."
Back in eighth grade I had something like that.
"Someday I'll tell how to get abs like mine." I said.
"Awesome! Because my abs are disappearing . . . the little two pack I had!"
What the hell is a two pack? Does a two pack even exist?
"That's tuff." I said.
"Alright better get out there so I can take this test, talk to you later bro."
His head disappears again and I quickly put my gym shirt on. I take a deep breath and look around before I take my pants off because Greg be popping up out of nowhere and I don't want him to see what's below my waist, that's for the ladies. When I was sure that no one was around to see my bottom half I quickly take my shorts off and put on my gym shorts. I bumped my head against the locker while doing it but if that meant I got privacy I didn't care! When I was in my gym outfit I go out into the gym where most of the class is. Coach R blows his whistle.
"Alright boys . . . and girl." Coach R said.
This was supposed to be an all boy gym class while the girl gym class was at eighth period but since that class was full Genesis had to be put in our class. Honestly we thought she was gay because she had very short hair and dressed like a boy and acted like a boy but she's not she has a crush on some pop star that all the girls like.
"Let's take this test!" Coach R said.
I groan because I'm not ready for it!

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