Chapter Two

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Night falls and I had been in my room laying on my bed watching football games on YouTube. It had been hours since I left school and as soon as I got home I locked myself in my here, deciding not to leave not even to go use the bathroom which was a bad idea because I've been needing to use it for a long time now. I had a bag of chips laying beside me and had been munching on them for the past hour or so. I was upset when I discover that there is no more chips left in the bag when I put my hand in it to get some more. I groan and slide off my bed.
Grabbing the chip bag I walk to my bedroom door. I hear voices coming from the living room. One belong to my Mom another to my Dad and there's an additional one that I don't quit recognize. I groan, annoyed because that means I have to put on a shirt. I grab the shirt I wore to school today and put it on.
When I open my bedroom door to make my way to the kitchen I see my sister in front of me her big brown eyes looking at me full of hope. She had her favorite princess doll in her hand.
"Can you play princesses with me?" she asked.
I look down the hall towards the living room and then look back at my sister.
"Yeah, go get the castle." I reply.
"Okay!" She said excitedly.
She skipped down the hall to her bedroom the pink tutu dancing crazily around her hips. I on the other hand walked towards the living room with the chip bag balled up in my palm. When I entered the living room I discover that there is a lady talking to Mom and Dad about a trip or something like that. When they noticed me enter the room they all look at me. The woman looked just like Dad.
Hold the fuck up! . . . Do I have a half sister? Do I have a missing sister and if so why and what is she doing here now?
"Alex, hey, I was just about to get up and get you." Mom said.
"For what?" I asked, eyeing the woman sitting on the couch across from Mom and Dad.
"To meet your aunt." Mom replied.
My confusion started to disappear. That's why she looked like Dad. Shit they damn there almost look like twins. Are they twins? I look at Dad and he must've seen that I was trying to figure out if he had a twin or not.
"We look like twins huh?" He asked.
I nod and Dad chuckles.
"We're not." He said.
"Yeah, everyone says we look alike but I don't see it." My all of a sudden Aunt says.
"Has Molly met her?" I ask my parents.
"Yes, we've met she's a lovely little girl!" My Aunt said.
I wasn't talking to her but she answered my question. I look at the woman once more and try to give her my nicest smile and say;
I waved at her as I made my way to the kitchen.
"Oh—well hello there."
I know that may have been rude or whatever but why is she just now coming down to see me and my family? When I get to the kitchen I turn on the light and walk to the trash can. I throw away the chip bag and make my way back to the bathroom. I turn on the light and walk to the toilet and pull up the seat (Mom would kill me if I peed on the toilet seat). After I was done peeing I flush the toilet and wash my hands, nothing too special right? I then turn off the light and walk to my bedroom. When I get there I see that Molly has transformed my bed into Sleeping Beauty's kingdom. The girls got imagination I give her that, she could be a great writer.
I close my door as I walk towards my bed and sit on it. I turn off my TV and turn up my dimmed lights.
"So we are going to play save the princess." Molly said.
"Okay." I say, to let her know that all my attention is hers.
"And the prince," she said, handing me her prince doll, "has to save the princess, pretty simple, right?"
She cuts me off.
"Wrong!" She shouts. "The prince has to go through various obstacles to get to the princess."
Like I said . . . she could be a writer.
"Okay." I say again.
Molly slides off my bed and runs to the corner of my room, by my closet. She sees herself in the mirror and noticed that she had a piece of hair sticking out from the side of her head. She bit her lip and fixed her hair. She puts her princess doll in the purple tower with hints of pink painted on it.
"The princess will be over here and I will be in charge of the obstacles." Molly said, getting up.
She walked over to my bed and sat down. She guided the hand I had the prince in to the corner of my bed.
"You start there." She said.
Since she was the director of this movie I just waited for her to tell me what's next. But she didn't so we sat there in silence for what felt like a long moment.
"Well . . . what are you waiting for?" Molly asked.
"Oh I can go?" I asked.
"Duh." Molly replied before laughing.
I can't help myself so I laugh with her, her little giggles always amuse me.
I then think of the perfect way to start this story. I make the doll in my hand walk.
"Is he going to talk?" Molly asked.
I look at Molly and she was looking back at me with a somewhat dumbfounded look.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to say." I mumble slowly. "What do you want me to say?"
"Anything!" Molly replied.
Okay, not as helpful as I thought . . . so I tried to tap into my creative side. That's when I thought about that princess story I read to her when she was little. I don't know if she still had the book but I thought it would be cool to reimagine it. The book started with the prince riding his horse in the woods. I looking around to see if there was a toy horse in my room . . . there wasn't.
"Can I get a horse?" I asked.
"Sure!" Molly said jumping off my bed, careful not to knock down the play set she had set up. I watched her leave the room and when she turned to corner my phone buzzed. I reach for my phone on my dresser and look at it. It was a text from Rodgers reading;
I need the pictures for the essay!!!
Oh shit! I don't have it and I never told him that I was having a girl wrote it for me. I didn't have enough money to pay the girl either so my plan is to negotiate with her. Maybe . . . pay her in parts. I don't know what to text back to Rodgers and he knows I read it because my phone sends read receipts when I read a text. Fuck! I started typing a shitty lie but then I deleted it.
What? Am? I? Going? To? Say? Molly then came back into my room with a dark brown horse and a black mane. The mane was plastic which was surprising because every toy horse I saw always had a rooted mane.
"Here you go." Molly said climbing on the bed.
She handed me the horse and I grabbed it from her. I put the prince on the horse and balanced the toys on the wall my bed was next to. I then turn my attention back to my phone. I sigh and type;
How about I give it to you tomorrow during lunch?
I wait for Rodgers to reply, my fingers crossed. I saw that he was replying and with each passing second it felt like eternity. When his message was displayed on my screen I calmed down somewhat. A little anger started to pump through my blood. He said that it was alright because he's not going to school tomorrow.
So I type furiously asking why was he bothering me about the essay if he's not going in tomorrow. Rodgers just sent two laughing emojis. I roll my eyes and shut my screen off. I look at Molly who was staring at me with her arms folded across her chest. She had like a disappointed look on her face.
"Are you done?" She asked. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm done and everything's alright." I reply, putting my phone to the side.
"Good, now lets get on with the story." Molly said.
I grab the prince from the wall and begin the story and honestly it was fun especially when I made my sister laugh. Sometimes I would feel like she would be unfair with the obstacles and we would argue playfully and when she tops me I would grab her and tickle her to death. We were both on the floor tickling each other when Mom entered my room (I didn't even know if she had knocked or not because Molly and I were laughing loudly). Mom was smiling at us. We look at Mom with goofy grins on our face.
"For a second I thought you two were fighting in here." Mom said.
Okay I get when I was little I use to hit Molly when she annoyed me but I never intended to actually make her bleed. I loved her with all my heart and couldn't hurt her.
"No, I wouldn't, I wouldn't-" I choked.
"I know." Mom said. "Come say goodbye to your Aunt."
"She leaving?" Molly asked.
I then realized that I was in top of her so she couldn't move.
"Yes, but she'll be back tomorrow." Mom said.
Releasing Molly I stand up. Molly tickles my stomach and I crouch over with a little chuckle. Molly chuckles as she runs out my room. I walk towards Mom and stand next to her. Mom looked around my room.
"She asked?" Mom asked.
"Yeah." I say glancing around my room.
It was like Disney met Barbie and they threw a party in here.
"Surprisingly it was fun."
Mom chuckles.
"Well yeah because you two were in here tickling each other for most of the time." Mom said.
Damn were we laughing that loud? I look at Mom and she must've saw the question written on my face because she told me that she heard us laughing all the way in the living room. I just look at Mom and she smiles at me and grips my shoulders as she begins to guide me to the living room. Molly was sitting in Dads lap, looking at her new doll. How did she get a new doll? I then see a plastic bag in the middle of the floor. Oh, she must've got it from our Aunt.
"I would've bought you something but I didn't know what you liked." My Aunt said. "I just remembered  that Molly used to love fairies and dolls so I got her a fairy doll."
How did she know that? She was never around back when Molly and I were smaller. I have so many questions flooding my brain and some of them even spilled out.
"How did you know that and what's your name?" I asked.
"Oh I used to talk to your father over the phone and he told me what Molly liked I also remember him telling me that you liked race cars." My Aunt explained. "I would've got you some race cars but I didn't think you would enjoy them because you are a teenager now."
It's true I did like race cars when I was ten, I lost interest in them when I entered my first year of high school, I mean don't get me wrong I still like race cars but not the toy kind. Now I like girls and sports although her getting me a football or something would be a complete waste of money as well.
"You still didn't answer my question." I mumble.
"Oh and what is that?"
My Aunts eyes were big and glowed a dark brown.
"What's your name?" I asked.
Aunt Hannah. That's cool . . . I guess. Aunt Hannah sighs and begins to fish in her black leather purse.
"I just feel bad not giving you anything." She said, still looking through her purse.
"Don't be, I'll be fine, it's not like I-"
"Here!" Aunt Hannah said, extending her arm out with a few twenty dollar bills in her palm.
Money is the best gift anyone could receive and this could help me pay the girl that's supposed to write my essay! I smile and take the money. She gave me forty bucks, nice!
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Aunt Hannah stood up and Dad grabbed Molly and sat her down on the floor. Her doll box was now all bent up. I think she was trying to open the doll but couldn't.
"I'll walk you to your car." Dad said.
Aunt Hannah walked towards me and hugged me.
"You don't have much memory of me do you?" She whispered in my ear.
Honestly I didn't have ANY memory of her.
"No." I reply.
"That's okay, because I remember you." She said before letting me go.
And with that she told my family and I goodnight and went to her hotel room.

The Key to her Heart Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora