Chapter Fifteen

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The test we had was not like a regular English test it was like an emergency what do you when this happens kind of test and let's just say I aced it! It didn't take long for the other kids to complete the test. Genesis was amazing, we were almost working like a team! Since the class finished the test early Coach R have us some free time. Most of the class fetched a basketball and started playing.
Coach R even gave them red and blue scarfs so they can divide themselves in teams. I on the other hand was sitting on the bleachers, hot and sweaty, drinking water from a water bottle Coach R gave me. Genesis walked over to where I was. Apparently I was sitting next to her bag.
"You were pretty good out there." Genesis said, looking through her bag.
"You weren't so bad yourself." I said.
Genesis zips up her bag with a smile on her face and sat next to me.
"I know." She says.
I chuckle as I continue to watch my personal basketball game.
"Why aren't you out there with those bears?" Genesis asked.
I smiled at her remark and shrug.
"I don't know . . . tired I guess." I replied.
Genesis let out a needed breath and I could tell she was agreeing with me.
"Tell me about it." She said. "I know it's a test and you don't get to take breaks between them but why would we need to know and do all those procedures all at once in real life?"
"I know." I say.
My legs were boiled noodles when we had finished the test.
"Can I be honest with you?" I asked.
Genesis looks at me a little piece of hair molded onto her sweaty forehead.
"Sure." She said.
"I thought the test was going to be paper and pen, multiple choice kind of test." I admit.
Genesis's eyes widen.
"Really?" She asked, surprised.
I nod.
"Is that dumb?" I asked.
"No, it-it's not." Genesis said. "I mean if I'm being honest Coach R was acting like the test was going to be like that, thank goodness it wasn't."
I agree with her in my head.
"Why can't all the tests we take be like that?" She asked.
"Uh-uh, I don't want all the tests to be like that because then we wouldn't be able to survive school." I said.
Genesis laughs.
"But you're a guy, you're supposed to take stuff like that." She said, chuckling.
"When it comes to that kind of stuff I am not a guy anymore." I say.
"Oh really?" She asks.
I nod.
"Then what are you?"
"A hu-man." I replied. "And therefore as a human I can not take what a guy can take."
Genesis bursts out in laughter. Her laughter echoes throughout the gym which cause one of our classmates, Matt (to be specific), to stop playing ball and look at us.
"Ooh, look at the two love birds!" Matt said.
"Shut up Matt!" I yelled.
"Oh so that's his name!" Genesis mumbles.
I laugh and look at her she starts to laugh too.
"This class is full of un-hot boys so I don't pay attention to them." She states.
I felt insulted!
"What do you mean un-hot boys?" I asked.
Genesis looks me up and down, checking me out. I smile at the idea that popped in my head.
"So you were telling me false information." I said.
"What? What do you mean?"
"You're drawling over me." I said.
She's not.
"No-no I'm not."
She checks the corner of her mouth. I chuckle. She groans a little and hits my arm.
"Ow!" I playfully say.
"Shut up, you have big muscles." She kind of gawks.
"Ooh, I think someone has a crush on me." I tease.
"If you don't shut up!" She threatens.
I was just messing with her but it sounds like she does have a crush on me or in most girls cases had a crush on me.
"Wait . . . do you?" I asked.
Genesis starts to get uncomfortable. It takes a while before she answers.
"Doesn't ever girl?" She asked.
"Well . . . not anymore . . . they had crushes on me meaning back in middle school." I explained.
"It never occurred to you that they might have been lying?" She asked.
Now that I think of it . . . no. Well except for the time I kissed Emmie.
"I mean I'm not saying they were lying about having crushes on you back in middle school but they are definitely lying about not having a crush on you now." Genesis said.
"You really think-"
"I don't think, I know!" Genesis said.
Coach R comes out of his office in the corner of the gym and says:
"We have ten minutes before the bell rings so start putting the balls back and make sure my scarfs are color coded if I see I blue scarf in a pile of red scarfs you guys will be out in the field running ten miles!" Coach R said.
Genesis and I stand up and begin to walk to the locker room.
"It was nice talking to you." Genesis said.
"Back at ya!" I said, throwing her a little wink.
She chuckles and we depart, her going into the girls locker room. Lucky, she got privacy while us guys made fun of each other's dicks.

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