Chapter Eighteen

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When I get home Molly runs up to me and gives me a big hug.
"Hi!" I said as I picked her up.
I hoisted her up on my hip and started to walk to the kitchen.
"You're alright!" She cheers.
I smile and kiss her cheek.
"I'm alright." I said.
Molly smiles brightly and lays her big head on my chest. When I got to the kitchen I opened the refrigerator door and got a water bottle. When I turn around I see Mom standing behind me, crying. She scared me because I didn't hear her enter the kitchen.
"My boy is home." She said, still crying.
It sounded funny because she was crying but I tried not to laugh because it was a serious situation. She slowly walked over to me and hugged me. She almost fell in the process.
"I'm fine Mom." I said, rubbing her back.
Mom just cried into me. Damn what is it with females and them crying into me, am I comfortable? Or do I just produce a comfort feeling for them? Dad enters the kitchen, his eyes bucked. Uh-oh, in a minute I'm about to be squished.
"You're home!" He said, his voice booming.
"He's home!" Molly yelled with excitement.
Dad came over to me and hugged us all. I on the other hand couldn't breathe. After I started turning purple my family let me go (I still had Molly up on my hip). Dad had left the room to do . . . I don't know what.
"So . . . tell me . . . what happened." Mom said.
I was confused. Why did she expect me to know what happened when I was locked in a janitors closet and getting information from her?
"Um . . ." I said. "I don't know much but I do know I was found and shot at-"
"You were shot at?!" Mom asked. "Honey get the keys!"
"Why what happened?" Dad asked form another room. "Where we going?"
Dad entered the kitchen again and looked at Mom.
"Alex's been shot at." Mom said.
"I'll get the keys!" Dad said.
I sighed and looked at Molly who was looking at me with a smile on her face.
"You're not really hurt are you?" She asked while our parents panicked.
"No." I sigh.
I smile at her and start to play with one of her pigtailed braids.
"Honey, get off of him, we have to take him to the hospital." Mom said, grabbing Molly from me.
Molly sighed and looked up at me as Mom fled the kitchen. She looked at me with her arms out.
"I can't or we'll get in trouble." I said. "Apparently I'm injured."
Molly smiles.
"I'll be back."
She ran out the kitchen and I followed her to kitchens door frame. She ran down the hallway and into her room. A few seconds later she came out of her room and ran up to me in her dress up doctors coat.
"So tell me Mister Big Brother, where is the pain coming from?" Molly asked in her best doctors voice.
If you ask me she did a pretty good job at it. I chuckled and crotch down to her height.
"Uh well, um Doctor . . ."
"Molly we don't use our last names like the other professional ones."
"Oh, right." I said. "Well Doctor Molly I was shot in my lower back near my spine."
Molly frowned. She then breaks out of character.
"You're supposed to act like it." She informed me. "Also how are you able to walk if it was near your spine?"
She has a point.
"Sorry." I said.
Clearing my throat I tried to act like I was severely injured in my back.
"Oh Doctor, I've been shot in my lower back, near my spine!" I cried.
Molly smiles, nods, and gets back into character.
"That's more like it." She said. "Now, I'm going to have to lay you on the couch so I could get a better look at you."
"Okay." I said.
Still acting injured I did my best to try to walk to the living room. I almost fell on my butt in the process then I would really have to go to the hospital for a broken tailbone. When I got on the couch I laid on my stomach and that's when I hear Mom yell:
"Hold on son, you're father and I have to change!"
I shake my head.
"Alright, Alex, I will be right back I have to go get my doctor stuff." Molly said.
Molly walks out of the living room and into the hall while I just laid on the couch, enjoying its comforting feeling. I then hear feet stomping down the hallway and I soon smell Molly's hair.
"Alright sir, I have my stuff just relax and I'll take care of your wound." Molly said.
I don't say nothing but I do make an effort to show her that I'm listening. Molly raised up my shirt and pulled at my underwear band. She let it go and it slapped the shit out of my back. I groaned in pain and Molly laughed.
"You little-" I say as I turn over.
Molly is still laughing, holding her arms about trying to defend herself but I highly doubt that she'd be able to due to her laughing.
"Come here!" I said, grabbing her by her waist.
"No!" She laughed.
I start laughing as I begin to tickle her.
"No, stop, I'm sorry, no!" She screamed through laughter.
"You're sorry?" I asked.
"Yes." She said chuckling. "I'm sorry."
We lay on the couch together (her laying on top of me) in silence for a moment. Both of us is staring at the ceiling. We then hear rambling coming from the hallway.
"Did you get the keys?" Mom asked.
"Yeah they're in my hand." Dad replied.
"Maybe if we pretend to be sleep they'll leave you alone." Molly whispers.
I look at Molly.
"Good thinking." I said. "And maybe we could scare them?"
She smiles.
"I like the way you think partner." Molly said, laying her head on my neck.
I situate myself in a more comfortable position and try to make my body look like I'm sleeping. When I feel like I had mastered that I closed my eyes and begin to listen for Mom and Dad.
"They're sleep." Dad said after a while.
It's dead silent for a moment (with the exception of the ticking clock in the room). I soon feel a shake and it makes me want to smile but I don't. I try to think of a very serious situation but that only makes me want to smile again. Damnit! I might mess up our 'master plan'!
"Alex!" Mom yelled.
My ears started ringing and I felt Molly jump a little.
". . . Alex! Wake up!" Mom yelled.
"Honey get Molly and take her to her room." Mom said. "She doesn't need to be on top of him while he's hurt."
"Yep." Dad said.
When I feel Molly being lifted I tighten my grip around her.
"Come on buddy, it's your sister not your teddy bear." Dad mumbled.
Now that was going to make me laugh so before I could I opened my eyes and yelled at my parents. Molly joined in a couple of seconds later. They yelled, frightened.
"Jeez!" Mom said when she had recollected herself. "Don't scare us like that."
Molly and I start laughing.
"You two should've seen your faces." She said.
She began to recreate our parents reactions as I sit up. She then giggled as she looked up me.
"Also Mom . . ." Molly said. "Alex is fine he didn't get shot."
I look at mom and nod.
"I was shot at." I explain. "But they missed."
Mom and Dad sigh in relief almost in unison.
"Oh thank goodness." Mom groaned.
I chuckle as their fear for me disappears.
"Well I'm going to go take a shower." Dad said.
He walked back through the hall.
"And I'm going to go change . . . again." Mom said as she followed Dad.
Molly laughed when our parents were gone. She slid off of me and picked up her toys. She looked at me and I did the same.
"The Doctor said you'll be fine." She said.
"Thank goodness." I say with a smile.
Molly chuckles and goes to her room which leaves me alone in the living room. So I just sit back and stare at the wall for a moment.

It was the middle of the night when I heard my bedroom door open followed by soft footsteps (mainly because of the carpet in my room). I open an eye and see pink, white, and green pants standing before me.
"What Molly?" I asked my voice groggy.
"I'm scarred." Molly replies.
I sit up and look at my sister.
"And why are you scared?" I asked.
"I had a bad dream about a monster trying to eat me." Molly explained. "It had already eaten you."
Wow . . . that's . . . just—wow.
"Well did you try to save me?" I asked.
Molly shook her head.
"The reason it ate you was because I threw you to it." Molly said. "In my defense I told you to fight but you didn't . . . all you did was scream like a girl."
A smile spreads across her face while I poke my bottom lip out dramatically.
"I thought you loved me." I said in a sad voice.
Molly walked up to me and hugged me. She then slowly pushed me down and laid on top of me. She nestled her head in my neck and said:
"I do love you, you big baby."
I smile and grab the cover and place it over us.
"Question." I said, looking up at the ceiling.
"What?" Molly asked, sounding tired.
"What did the monster look like?" I asked.
"It was tall furry, lumpy, like clouds, pink with long green legs and three crazy looking eyes." Molly explained. "And it had RAZOR sharp teeth."
"Wow . . . that-thats some monster." I said.
"Yeah." Molly said. "Now shut up I'm trying to sleep!"
Bossy much!
"Okay, I'm sorry." I say.
Seconds later I hear her snoring. I smile as I begin to stroke Molly's long and soft hair.
—Thunder boomed and the sky cried huge tears. Molly frowned at the sudden sound and began to wiggle. Her foot is now super close to my no-no spot and if she moves anymore she might injure me down there. I turn my head and looked at the clock. It was seven twenty in the morning which meant that Molly will be up in the living room in approximately ten minutes. But until then I have situate her so she won't hit me where no man should ever be hit.
When I looked at my sister lighting forked the sky and she looked like she was from a scary movie. Molly's frown goes away and I begin to reach for her legs. Straightening them out I put them on the side of me. It was almost successful but Molly had head butted me in her sleep. This girl is something else!
"Stop." She groaned.
Her eyes were still closed which was confusing because I didn't know if she was talking me or she was just talking in her sleep. I just lay still and watch her. The lighting flashed in my room like someone had took a picture. Molly slowly opened her eyes. She looked at me frowning, her hair looking like a birds nest.
"Why did you take a picture of me?" She asked, sounding sleepy.
"I didn't." I chuckle.
She looked at me and then down at my hand. She didn't see what she was looking for so she looked at my other hand.
"Where's your phone?" She asked.
"On my dresser." I replied.
Molly looked at me like she didn't believe me.
"It is!" I stress.
Molly looked at my dresser and saw my phone. She gets off of me and makes her way to my dresser. She grabs my phone and takes it off of charge.
"Hey." I said.
"Shh!" Molly said. "You're going to wake up Mom and Dad!"
She then unlocks my phone and looks through my gallery. When she didn't find what she was looking for she looked at me.
"You deleted it." She said.
"I didn't take a picture of you Molls." I said.
"Don't call me that!" Molly snapped.
Women! Lighting forked the sky again. Molly dropped my phone and ran over to me. She hopped in my arms, almost hitting her head on the wall.
"That's what took a picture of you." I said.
She was hugging me tightly, almost squeezing the living day lights out of me.
"I'm scared." Molly mumbled.
"Why?" I asked. "It's just thunder, rain, and lightning."
"So, that doesn't change how I feel about thunder storms." Molly said.
She raised up and looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
She just stared at me.
"What?" I asked again.
"I'm hungry." She said.
"Okay." I said slowly.
Molly hit me in the head and said:
"Big head make me some bacon!"
It was soon followed by a 'pretty please'. Rubbing the spot she hit me at I say:
"Yes ma'am."
Pushing her off of me I get up and put on a shirt and and run out the door. It felt like I was in a boot camp because Molly was yelling the word 'move' in her man voice and she was saying it like she was in charge of me in which I guess she is. When I get to the kitchen (with Molly following) I open the refrigerator door and look for the bacon. I didn't see it, which meant we were out.
"Hey Molly." I said.
"Ugh, what?"
"Go get dressed."
"We need to go to the grocery store."

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