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Cerin POV:

My head was pounding and the constant motion of the car wasn't helping but I didn't want to be whiner so I said nothing and simply laid my seat back as far as it would go. After I'd thoroughly trashed the diner I just teleproted myself back in the car and told Kaine to drive before I went back to end a bloodline, and he happily obliged. He told me that if we drove nonstop we'd reach upstate by the end of the day and I really looking forward to some much needed R&R.

Lukas was studying his new toy, but I could tell by the death grip that he had on it that he loved it.

"You like him, babe?", I asked softly.

"He's cool, what's his name?"

"Whatever you want it to be, he is yours after all."


"Yeah, baby, all yours. I hope this means we can be friends again."

"You mean...you don't hate me now?"

"What?! No, never. I could never hate you. The only reason I punished you was because you tried to bite me, but I should've explained things to you instead of just doing them. I guess you can say we were both a little naughty today eh?"

"But you left. I thought you weren't going to come back..."

I swear on Vlad Tepes that this kid is going to murder me with his cuteness. I would have laughed at what he said had it not been for the sad expression he had on his face. Had he actually missed me?

I held out my hand for him to take and reassured him that it was okay with a small nod. When I felt his smaller hand slip into mine I began to concentrate despite the immense pain I was already feeling until it was done. Lukas winced when he felt a sharp pinch on his lower back but I told him that he would be fine because it only lasted for a second.

"What did you do?"

"Family tradition. To make a long story short I just gave you your "birthmark", so now whenever you need me you can just think about me really hard and I'll come running. Though I wasn't really planning on leaving your side until you go to college sooooooo...yeah you're stuck with me, kid."

Lukas seemed to like my joke and even giggled a bit before taking his hand back and crushing his dino to his chest. I was glad he liked it and everything finally seemed to be on the up and up. NOW IF ONLY I COULD GET RID OF THIS GODDAMN HEADACHE!!

Lukas POV:

This was stupid, I knew I wasn't a baby and yet here I was, acting exactly like a big baby. I was disgusted with myself but at the same time I had to admit that it was rather comforting to know that I could actually call on someone if I needed to. I know that they're just trying to lull me into a false sense of security and would strike the moment they knew that they had me, but I couldn't help feeling the way that I felt. Daddy made me feel safe and Papa did too. What the hell's wrong with me?

For awhile we drove in silence because of Daddy's headache but eventually he stopped complaining about it and sat up again. Apparently we were all feeling some type of way about the silence because a moment later loud music filled the car. I must have jumped because Daddy reached back and rubbed my leg to get me to calm down.

He explained that it was just the radio like I was an idiot and didn't know what radios and music were. We had radios back home but they just didn't work so well out in the sticks or get as loud as this one.

Something inside me stirred as the two of them began singing along to whatever the song was, something dark. The smiles on their faces were in sharp contrast to the sad ones my people wore day in and day out and it made me angry. It was clear that people like them had always had everything they ever wanted while like me suffered and didn't have anything. How dare they... How dare they be this happy while others suffered!!

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