swallowed by anger

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"I see you decided to stay alive," he said when he looked at the empty tray sitting on the table.

"I did, and I also decided to agree. I want you to teach me," Aaliyah couldn't really tell if he was surprised, or if he expected her answer, and she didn't care.

"But?" he asked as if he could read her mind at that moment.

"But I don't want to use the dark side," she absolutely refused to give in to that kind of thing. She was stronger than that. Her Jedi masters always said, that only a weak person serves the dark side. The strong one can resist its calling.

"Of course," he said quietly, and walked around the room with his hands behind his back, his own lightsabre and Aaliyah's still swinging from his belt. She missed holding it, having it with her in case she needed to protect herself. It felt as if she was missing a limb.

"So, you agree, that you won't be teaching me the dark side? What can you teach me then?" her tone and words were rude, but she didn't care when she insulted Vader. Manners were irrelevant.

He turned his head to her and stopped abruptly. "My knowledge of the dark side is just the peak of the iceberg. I know the ways of the force like no one else, and you can know them too."

She was silent because she believed in his words. Just like she believed when he told her that he was stronger than Sidious, she believed he knew much more about the force than anyone else, maybe even some of her late masters. Suddenly, a question popped up in her head. "Does your master know I'm here?" she asked curiously.

"He doesn't need to know," Vader shrugged his shoulders carelessly.

"Hmm, so I am right when I think that you want me as your apprentice because you want to kill your master, just like every other Sith?" Aaliyah asked directly and actually made Vader laugh. It was bitter, mocking sound, not happy. He didn't laugh with her, he laughed at her, or more importantly at her words.

"If you think I was waiting for you to kill my master then no, you are not right. I would kill him any day if I wanted to," he said again, as a matter of fact. "He knows it," he added quietly.

"Then what is your reason? Why do you want to teach me?"

"Just take what I'm offering. Nothing else is important for now," and she did as he said. For the first time without talking back or asking questions. That's why she found herself following his big frame quickly through dark corridors with high ceilings. Actually, everything here had large ceilings.

She had to go fast to keep up with his long steps, but soon enough he walked through a dark door, that shut and locked behind them. She could hear it and wasn't surprised at all. He had no reason to trust her not to try and escape. When she looked around the big room they entered, the light was shining very softly, making the dark grey stone walls seem more intimidating. Red light from the lava outside was leaking through the large windows with black ornaments around them. It reminded her of the Jedi temple, so Maestas, but too dark for her former home.

Only when they walked further into the room, did she realize that they were not alone. There was Calista, leaning on the wall, watching her with weird satisfaction in eyes, and smirk playing on her plump lips. She had her dark uniform on, and a hilt of her lightsabre squeezed in one hand.

She wasn't able to focus on her anymore when her attention went to the other person in the room. It was a man dressed in white armor, white stormtrooper armor to be specific, with short white hair, sharp dark eyebrows, and face she was so familiar with during the Clone Wars. After all, he and his brothers in arms had the same one, yet their personalities made so many differences between them, that Aaliyah couldn't see them as clones. And she was extra familiar with this one because he was Captain in her squad.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora