Chapter 11 - Peter.

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oop some more Peter - sorry for some of the agnsty things, tho it's not really angst. 

Slight TW



Your POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. Where was I - where's Peter? Where's Apocolypse? The room was quiet. The walls were a bright yellow color and the floor was nicely carpeted. I was laying down in a bed. This bed was soft as well as comfortable. It had small little circle type designs going up and down the covers. 

I sat up and got out of bed. I almost immediately regretted it as I started to lose balance. Probably from not walking in so long. I grasped the bed to stay on my feet. Breathe in. Breathe out. Deep breaths. You got this, Y/N. Just take it slow. I walked out of the room slowly. The door was open. I didn't recognize the room but I recognized the hallway. The lightly tan colored hallways. The reddish-brown wooden floors. I was at the back-up academy. I stepped out into a light room. It blinded my eyes for a moment.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled. Was that? It was. Jean. I felt two arms wrap around me. I chuckled.

"Hey, Jean," I croaked. My voice was soft and a little raspy from not talking in a while she handed me some water.

"Drink up, it'll help your throat," she advised. I took the water from her and drank a little bit of it. My throat already felt better.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked. She thought for a moment.

"About fourish days," Jean admitted. I rubbed my temple.

"Jeez. How's everyone been?" I took another sip of my water.

"A little shaken up. Especially since you, Charles, and Pe-" She stopped abruptly and then continued. "Since you and Charles weren't responding for a few days. But Charles came back to yesterday and-"

"Who else? You were going to say someone else's name," I interrupted. She held her breath for a moment and let it out.

"I'm not supposed to tell you," Jean hesitated. She looked at me and she frowned. "You can't freak out." Why would I freak- "Peter." Oh. That's why. I didn't even stay to hear what she said. My legs just started going and I didn't stop them. 

I finally slowed down at the hospital room. I held my breath, praying that Peter wouldn't be in here. I slowly opened the door. The stench of hospital immediately hit me. I looked at one of the beds. Empty. The bed held no sign of anyone being in it recently. The curtains covered the next bed. I walked in and moved the curtains, but I closed my eyes before I could see anything. My feet walked me over to the bed. Three, two... one. I opened them and gasped.

Tears pricked at my eyes. Jean came into the room.

Peter was asleep. He was covered in bruises. Everywhere. Head to toe. His foot had a few bandages around it. His right arm and leg had a cast around it. Jean pulled a chair over and sat me down in it. 

"I- I should've been faster. I shouldn't have waited. Oh god, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Peter," I gulped. Jean shook her head and put her hand on my shoulder. I let the tears start to stream out. I hid my face in my hands.

"You saved him. If you came out any earlier you would've been caught right away. If you came out any later, he could be dead. You knew when to come out and you saved him from killing Peter. Peter wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," Jean reassured. I shrugged. 

"I g-guess?" Jean frowned.

"You guess?" She asked. I nodded.

"I... I don't know. I think I j-just need a few minutes," I mumbled. Her face lit up with realization. 

"Right, sorry. I'll come back later." And with that, Jean left.

"I'm such a fuck up, Peter," I stared at his face. I reached out and touched it softly, carressing it. "I-I keep losing you. It's always my fault. I don't know w-what I'm supposed t-to do." I choked on my words as I watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful.  "I'm making so many m-mistakes but y-you keep coming b-back. I'm n-not good enough, Silver. I n-never was. I'm so fucking sorry." I grit my teeth. "I don't deserve y-you or your l-love." I kissed his cheek softly. His breathing was smooth and deep. I hope he's having a dream. 

*   *   *   *

I kept myself in the chair. I stayed there for hours. Jean came to check on me every now and then.

"You staying here?" She asked. I nodded.

"I want to be here when he wakes up," I admitted. Jean chuckled and hugged me. 

"Well if you need anything, just yell," she suggested. 


*   *   *   *

Eventually everyone came in and said hello. Charles brought my blankets and pillows, even a mattress if needed. I thanked him a million times but he told me it was "no biggie". Kurt also brought me some fast food and a freezie. He told me to watch out for my brain freezing. I laughed. He's a really great friend. But, I just...

I just hope Peter's okay.

I really, really do.

Too Fast to Hate | A Peter Maximoff x Reader storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin