I tried to free my hand from his grip but he wasn't letting go before I could resort to force, something twinkled and caught my attention which was on Roman's other hand. It looked like a syringe.


'Sorry brother, I can't afford to lose against you.' Not giving me a second to grasp the situation he injected himself on his right thigh with whatever was in the syringe. His hand that was gripping my wrist loosens before it dropped to his side, his head dipped as he started breathing heavily.

I had no clue what he injected himself with but I was certain it wasn't anything good. I made sure to not let go of his neck as who knew what he was going to do next or what the purpose of the chemical he injected himself with was. I decided to put my trust in Violet and Cyrus to protect Meryl and keep her safe while at the same time I did a quick mind link to Damien and Harriet to go to where Meryl was.

'You shouldn't be losing your focus when I am right next to you, Xerxes.' His head snapped up and my eyes met with his wild ones. His orbs were pitch black different from its usual colour and nor was it the colour of his wolf's eyes.

'What did you inject yourself with?' I questioned him keeping a firm grip over his neck. Though he showed no signs of struggling, his demeanor didn't sit well with me, he was planning something.

Instead of giving me an answer, his chuckle reached my ears and what happened next took place in a blur- a second ago I had a grip over his neck and the next I was on the ground. Roman had one hand over the nape of my neck, the other had my hand twisted and at my back while his knee pressed down on my spine rendering me immobile.

I tried to move but it proved to be futile, he was stronger than he was before, his grip wasn't the same either. Was this outcome of what chemical he injected himself with?

As if Roman heard my unasked question, he spoke from above me. 'This world is filled with wonders of science and technology unlike our times. They sure invest their money on wild ideas but the result is what matters to me.' I heard a crack sound as he moved a little above, as if relaxing his tensed muscles. 'I feel so good.' He said as he leaned down and came close to my ear to whisper, 'I feel stronger; I can sense and feel it in my entire system. I am stronger than you now. With this human made formula, no one can beat me.' He pulled away and he screamed his next words. 'I will be invincible.'

He started to laugh when I tried to fight against his hold, his grip tighten on me more as he clearly was enjoying watching me beneath him.

'Don't think so highly of yourself. You're nothing but a traitor who relies on stupid tricks and chemicals to get what he wants.' I taunted him. My plan was to rile him up to the extent that will make him lose his cool and make a mistake. 'You're nothing but a disappointment to us, Royals.'

The air around us felt thick and his anger was evident as he snarled at me. 'I know what you're playing at, Xerxes. I am no fool. You should keep your words to minimum and know your place, right where you are now.'

I never thought much of me being a Royal but having stuck in this situation with Roman overpowering me, I was suddenly thankful for it because his ability wouldn't work on the Royal, in fact none of our ability could be used against the Royals, or else he would have already had his control over my mind.

Roman let go of my neck as he forced open my fist of the arm that he had a hold on. He traced my fingers and slowly took hold on my middle finger. I knew what was about to happen next but the pain still came as a shock when he twisted my finger in a weird angle I hissed as the pain shot through my finger and without warning, he twisted it to another angle making me cursed out, 'Fuck.'

'This is fun, seeing you like this is fun.' He chuckled.

I sensed a presence before I heard a voice. 'Alpha King?' My eyes met with the surprise one who was standing at a distance watching us and that means he got Roman's attention too.

'Who do we have here?' Curiosity was clear in Roman's voice as he assessed one of my fighters who had spotted us.

I had made sure to mind link everyone not to come near the south-east gate as I knew for sure there was only one enemy and it was my own brother. As egoistic as it may sound, I wanted to bring him down by myself and after learning he was the one behind the Second Great War and the one responsible for so many deaths; it only fueled my desire to kill him more.

'How dare you do this to our Alpha King? I will kill you.' The fighter declared as he shifted in his wolf form mid air and came charging towards Roman.

'No, don't come-' Before I could finish my sentence, he was before Roman, baring his canines going for the kill but he was naïve to think he could take him down head on. Roman easily caught him by his neck making the wolf whine before a snap reached my ears. He killed the wolf in an instant. Roman threw the wolf on the ground as my eyes met with the lifeless eyes wide open.

Taking note of the situation and the absence of Roman's hold on my neck and his distracted state, I decided to take my chance. I broke free from his grasp, cutting him off mid way, 'Stupid p- Hey!' He didn't look bothered instead he seemed to be amused.

I took a couple of steps backwards, maintaining a distance between us as I tried to regain my composure. I no longer felt the effects of the gas and could move at my will.

'It was starting to get boring. I was starting to think the tales about your conquests and strength were all talk and nothing else.' He mocked as he tilted his head smiling sadistically.

I rolled my shoulders and held the hand of the injured finger. With a crack, I brought it back to its original position and let it be as it won't take long to heal. I rolled my neck and heard a satisfying crack before I took an attacking stance which Roman caught on instantly as it made him smile more. 'I'll show you a good time if that's what you wish for, Roman.' I was confident in my strength but I wasn't certain just how stronger the formula had made Roman. I had no other choice but to take him on as there was no one else who could possibly go against him with his current state.

'It's what I want, Xerxes but you wouldn't win against me and I will make sure I have your head as a reward.' Saying this, Roman prepared himself as I made the first move.


Hey, guys sorry for the late update. I have been busy with internships and uni related stuff for a couple of weeks but I will try to post at least one chapter in a week (I can't give a specific day but will announce on my ig before the upload). The story is almost over that's why I don't want to leave it halfway. Thanks for being so patient with me and this story.

Stay gold xx


Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora