Happy News Ch 23

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  • Opgedragen aan Chukwuemeka Nini Ifeanyichukwu

A/N I don't own Victorious. there will be one more chapter after this chapter. sorry for grammar mistakes in the story. please read,review,comment,vote on the story thanks and enjoy :) if you read 5 month anniversary for boyfriend and girlfriend they are not married yet, Beck,Jade,Tori,andre are all a couple not married IYI

 months later.......

Cat was pregnant with another child for 5 months , Robbie was excited to be a daddy  to another baby, Cat was ready to have another kid with and he knew he would raise their baby boy or girl to a very bright adult.Jade heard about the news and was extremely excited for Cat as she was ready to spoil another kid of theres. Cat and Robbie were going to find out if it's a boy or girl today.

Sinjin had taken Trina to a special restaurant so he could propose to her. Sinjin knew Trina was the girl for him, he looked at his ring and walked confidently to her. Sinjin was a nervous wreck but he got pointers from Robbie on how to propose to her.

Andre and Tori were out on a date to celebrate,Tori's promotion at work.Cat stared lovingly at Robbie as they walked into the hospital holding hands.

Sinjin hid her wedding ring in the breadsticks and let her try and look for it herself.

Beck had planned a relaxing day for Jade, Jade was at the spa while Beck was buying flower pedals.

"Congrats Mrs. Shapiro ,you have a healthy boy and the baby is doing well so that is good news"Doctor peters smiled.

"Thanks for the update Doctor" Cat smiled at her husband and leaned in to kiss him sweetly.

Andre was at the movies with Tori when he got the call from a record company, he was dissappointed that they called in the middle of his date with Tori.

Beck and Jade had a romantic evening planned but first they had appointments at the spa .

Sinjin was watching Trina tear all around the table looking for this expensive surprise that her boyfriend was talking about.

Cat was so excited to finally have their baby boy in three months, Robbie was use to helping his wife through the birth of their two girls and now they will bring home a baby boy to make their family a lot bigger.

Trina had not checked the bread sticks yet and she was losing her mind trying to find her present on the table.

Andre had applied to a several different records and he only heard back from one record producer.

Jade was feeling relaxed and all the stress that she had been feeling for the past week has been melting away.

Cat was riding home with Robbie, she couldn't stop talking about her new baby son she will be having soon.

Tori was interrupted by a text message it was Cat telling her about what gender they were expecting to have.

Trina had finally found the ring in the bread sticks, as Sinjin got out of his seat and kneeled on one knee " Trina Vega I Love You will you make me the happiest guy on earth and marry me ?" Sinjin waited

" Yes,yes.yes I love You too Sinjin " Trina had tears of joy in her eyes as she kissed Sinjin.

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