Time goes by too fast Ch 5

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  • Dedicated to Chukwuemeka Nini Ifeanyichukwu

A/N I don't own Victorious. sorry for any grammatical mistakes . there are more chapters coming out soon . please read,review, comment on this story . thanks:) enjoy the story .

Cat and Robbie strolled into the school holding hands and big smiles on their faces. They heard people cheering Cabbie, Cabbie, Cabbie and immediately they started laughing because of the crowds cheering. Suddenly Beck and Jade walked up to them with a big smile on their face. "Look who it is the it couple at Hollywood Arts for over a month now !" Beck said loudly

"It felt like yesterday when we first got together huh Robbie ? " Cat thought to herself, and she was on cloud nine. "Hey people what goes on" Andre showed up holding hands with Tori, "So Robbie you okay with me dating Andre even though you have Cat now and why do you want her am I not enough for you!" Tori shouted with a tinge of jealousy .Cat and Andre shoot Tori a dirty look that just left Tori perplexed.Finally Cat was the first one to speak "Tori as Robbie's Girlfriend I want you to stay away from Robbie !" Cat yelled furiously ,"Shh baby it's ok let me talk to Tori " Robbie calmed her down.

"Tori you never he gave me one single phone call and now all of the sudden you want me to take you back?, I don't think so If you really cared about me you would at least try and call me just a few times so I knew how you are doing! But no you never returned my feelings that I once had for you I've moved on and so should you good day Tori Vega!" Robbie shouted .At this point Tori was in tears and now running to the girls bathroom  to cry , she was extremely guilty for hurting Robbie's feelings and now she was paying the price for not communicating with him  as the tears flowed out more rapidly.

" Yo Rob don't you think you were a little harsh on Tori , she was just feeling guilty about hurting your feelings when you guys dated " Andre told him calmly. " Yeah I know I was a little harsh on Tori I just saw her and all that anger and misery that built up inside me while I was with her just flowed out like a river " Robbie dissapointed in himself for hurting Tori's feelings ."It's ok Robbie I still Love you very much " Cat smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek and hugging him .

Eventally Tori came out of the bathroom , her eyes were puffy from crying " Robbie can we talk in private please ?" asked Tori calmly "Hey baby is that ok with you?" hope in Robbie's eyes  " Sure babe but I want to come with you to be there for you if that is ok with Tori" Cat said to Robbie " Of course I just want to explain why I couldn't call him " Tori had hope in her eyes trying to gain his friendship back . While Tori was explaining the story to Robbie and Cat , Andre was in the hallway talking about his relationship with Tori and how messed up she has been since her break up with Robbie .

 "Ok and that's why you could not call me because your parents took your phone away until you payed your phone bill?" wondered Robbie " Yes I'm not asking to get back together with you but I would like to start over and be good friends like we were before we started dating " Tori hoped he would forgive her " Me and my Girlfriend Cat would like that thanks for the understanding Tori and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings in there my anger got the best of me " Robbie and Cat smiled at Tori while holding hands.

" It's ok Robbie and I'm just glad I didn't lose you as a friend I love my boyfriend Andre any way I never wanted to get back together with you I Know how happy Robbie makes you Cat this guy is a keeper " Tori said happily " yes Robbie is my soulmate and my true love always and the love of my life!" declared a happy Cat . Robbie and Cat shared a passionate kiss to end the day it was the greatest day of Cat's life.

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