Confession time Ch 2

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A/N I don't own Victorious sorry for any grammatical mistakes in this story please comment read and review enjoy this story there are more chapters comming out to this story thanks for your patience :) this 2 chapters of this story  is similar to what problem I had to encounter the only diffrence is the ending is all Cabbie, and Cat says I love you too Robbie enjoy the story

Robbie was excited because today was the day he was going to tell Cat that he loves her. One week ago Robbie broke up with Tori because there was just no more spark between them plus she never kept in touch with him, he told his friend Beck the problem and he said that sounded fair

Robbie texted Cat the deep feelings he had for her at first she didn't know what to expect but after some thinking about Robbie saying I Love you to her she had a big smile on her face and said "I love you too Robbie "

Robbie was enthusiastic and worried at the same time he didn't know what to think so he asked Beck for some advice about his problem . Beck said that he should get  together with Cat  and Robbie told him he was afraid of losing Cat as a best friend . Beck nodded his head in understanding but told him if he loves and cares for Cat then they should be fine as long as they agree to stay friends if it did not work out between Cat and Robbie .

The next day Robbie asked Cat if she would be his girlfriend and she said sure , Robbie was pumped that his best friend was eventally his and now he was all happy too, Cat went to bed with a smile on her face and knew Robbie finally got the confidence to tell her how he felt about her .

Robbie couldn't stop smiling after he knew that Cat is finally his and he can finally expierence some real happiness now that he has the love of his life.

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