Love is in the Air ! Ch 20

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  • Dedicado a Chukwuemeka Nini Ifeanyichukwu

A/N I don't own victorious I decided to add a few more chapters to this story and then move on to my other stories. sorry for any grammatical mistakes in this story. there will be 2 more chapters added . please read,review,comment,vote on this story thanks :)

It has been 2 months since Cat and Robbie got married , she got up to the feeling of her husband giving her sweet pecks on her lips while she was sleeping. She opened her eyes and returned his kiss passionately and cuddled into his side while they snuggled for the rest of the morning.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro? Anybody home " yelled  Jade knowing Cat would like to hear her married name now .  Jade walked into their bedroom to see them making out in their bed. Jade rolled her eyes and walked out of their bedroom and went home. Cat and Robbie finally got out of bed they were going to spend the day with their friends Tori and Andre.

Trina and Sinjin lived next door to Cat and Robbie they could hear loud noises coming out of their friend's house. Cat went over to check up on Trina since she and Sinjin got back together they have been having little problems so Trina asked Cat to help them with the little problems every now and then.

Jade came back later to see how things were working out for the married couple and lend them a hand around the house since Cat was one month pregnant .  Jade smiled once she saw Cat finally not kissing  Robbie she went over and started to chat about things that happened between her and Robbie's life together.

Trina came out of her house to chat with the others in the neighborhood. Robbie's mom came over to check on her daugther in law. cops came into the neighborhood following a car chase by another cop car. They looked at Trina frantically running over to their friends out in the street.

Sinjin was following behind her calling her home because she forgot something in the house.Trina immediately panicked and ran back into the house forgetting her shoes in the house . Her friends laughed that she was running out of the house barefoot.

Beck came out of his car with Jade fighting with her seatbelt trying to get out . She took her spare scissors from her boot and cut the seatbelt in half , kicking the door off the car in the process which fell to the street.

Beck gave her an angry look, but Jade ignored his look and went to talk to Cat about her life with Robbie. Tori and Andre pulled up to Cat's house and greeted Cat with a hug which made Robbie smile widely . Thankful that his girl will always have a friend there for her.

Andre gave his friends except Cat  a hug. Cat was in Robbie's arms chatting with her friends about family life with Robbie.

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