Victorious too many thoughts Ch 1

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  • Dedicated to Chukwuemeka Nini Ifeanyichukwu

A/N I don't own Victorious .sorry for any grammatical mistakes please read review and comment enjoy the story. this story is based off a true story

Robbie had a problem he was in love with two girls and he did not know what to do. His girlfriend Tori vega had a crush on him since the beginning of last school year but he also had deep feelings for his best friend Cat Valentine  for a while now he did not know what to do he tried to follow his heart but it did not give him any answers  so he sat and thought about it for a while.

"Hey Cat I wish I could talk to Tori but her parents took her phone away because of her phone bill"

" Well why not skype her Robbie she obviously needs to hear from you since Tori is your girlfriend ! I have to go to work now Robbie I will text you later "

"Ok Cat I will text you tonight " said Robbie

At first robbie really liked Tori but after a while he started having dreams about his best friend .

earlier this summer Cat broke up with her boyfriend Daniel  but was oblivious to Robbie's crush on her

When she was dating daniel he gave up on her for a while and asked Tori to be his girlfriend

At first he was happy with Tori then he started having doubts about his girlfriend

Later that night he started texting his best friend hoping one day that Cat will be his girl.

Tommrrow he was going to tell him how he felt about her, He told her he would be there for her

She said that Robbie was a good friend , he was dissapointed that she said friend

He was determined to tell her he loves her very much,

and hopefully Cat will love him back the same.

Robbie's hopes were set high he would have the girl of his dreams in a matter of hours.

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