Chapter 19: Siblings Reunited

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"She's right," Hazel said. "We're looking for Hannah and Jacob, have you seen them? We think they're injured, and pretty bad."

Percy looked back at Thalia for approval. "Bring them," she responded with a nod. The rest of the Hunters reacted immediately, surrounding the intruders and herding them towards camp.

"Where are we going?" Frank asked.

"Ya," Leo added. "We need to find Hannah and Jacob."

"I'll explain everything once we get back to our camp," Percy cryptically replied.

Leo started to say something else, but was hit by one of the hunters before he could.

"Silence, boy," she snarled. "We may not have killed you, yet, but do not think for a moment that we won't castrate you." Leo and Frank gulped nervously.

"Chill out Liza," Percy laughed. "They won't try anything, won't they," he finished with a glare towards the two boys. Leo and Frank both frantically shook their heads in agreement.

It only took a few minutes before they reached the edge of camp. "Where is Lady Artemis?" Thalia questioned a hunter who was passing by.

"Probably in her tent," she replied.

"Alright, thanks Tracey," Thalia responded before leading the group forward.

"So, about our friends," Hazel said hesitantly. "You have any idea where they might be?"

"Why don't you see for yourself," Percy grinned as he pointed to three figures walking towards them.

"Took ya long enough!" Jacob shouted as he walked towards the group, a huge smile on his face.

A huge grin broke out on Leo's face, but it faltered when he saw the condition they were in. "Oh gods, what happened," Leo asked when they were closer.

"What, you didn't know that I had a glass eye?" Jacob said, his face a mask of seriousness.

"Ya, I thought it was common knowledge," Percy added, playing along.

"And you call yourself a Son of Hephaestus," Thalia snorted. "Ya right, couldn't even sniff out an artificial eye."

Leo, Frank, and Hazel all looked dumbfounded and guilty at the same time. "Sorry, we didn't know," Hazel said meekly.

The group of Hunters plus Hannah and Jacob couldn't hold it in anymore. They burst out laughing, making the group of four look even more confused.

"Dude, it's fine," Jacob said once he regained control. "I was just messing with you. Got into a fight with a Hellhound a few days ago, it caused all this," he said, gesturing to his face.

"Ya, but you should see the 'Hound," Percy scoffed.

"Oh ya, I never did ask. Was that you I saw stabbing it like a madman while riding it like it was a bucking bronco before I blacked out?"

Percy blushed as everyone turned to him. "Ya, I got a little carried away," said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"As much as I would like to stay here and catch up, we should see Lady Artemis," Thalia said. "She wanted to see you two once you got out of Med, and she'll want to speak with you four." Thalia then dismissed the scouting party before leading everyone to Artemis' tent. Once inside they all sat down on the furs. Percy and Thalia sat on either side of their lady, while everyone else sat in a semicircle in front of her. Clara followed them inside, sitting down by her brother at the edge of the semicircle.

"Why are you here, young one?" Artemis asked Clara, a slight frown on her face.

"Please Lady Artemis, don't make her leave," Jacob pleaded respectfully.

The Male Hunter | Olympus' Traitor #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora