Late Morning • Matt Simmons

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Y/n's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see myself wrapped tightly in Matt's arms. I moved a little bit just to feel him pull me closer to his chest.

"Good morning baby" his raspy morning voice let out as he kissed my forehead.

"Morning" I told him with a smile as I turned to face him.

"How is it even possible for you to look so perfect this early?" he asked sitting himself up on his side.

"You should ask yourself the same question" I told the man with a smile as I traced my finger along his jawline.

"I'm surprised you don't have a case this early" I saw with a small yawn. "Shhh don't jinx it" he chuckled as he pulled me closer.

I laid my head on his chest and began to slowly draw small shapes on his bare chest.

"Y/n" "Mhm" I hummed looking up. "I love you" the words the left his mouth I've heard many many times but they never failed to make me blush.

"I love you too dork" I replied planting a small kiss on his jaw.

He pulled me up so we were face to face but his arm was still wrapped around me. He leaned in pressing soft kiss to my lips.

"It's only a matter of time before the kids wake up" I told him looking at the door. "Let's hope they can give us another hour" he said rubbing his fingers against his temple.

Now it was my turn to lay on my side as I just stared at the man in front of me.

"How's work?" I asked curiously.

I always loved when he came home and would tell the kids stories about the cases. "Same as always, get called on, work on the case, and catch the bad guy" he told me with a small smirk.

"The bad guy huh?" I asked with a small laugh. "Yes what else would you call it?" he told with me a smile. "I don't know you tell me you're the one working with the FBI" I said hitting his chest lightly.

He grabbed his chest, dramatically acting hurt.

"Behave" he said softly but at the same time somewhat serious.

"Make me." I responded with a wink as I got up out of bed.

He groaned before getting up and following me. Before I entered our closet I felt myself being picked up. "Matt" I gasped. He put me over his shoulder and started to walk towards the bed.

"Eh the views nice from here" I giggled as I slapped his butt. He stumbled before laughing quietly "I bet" he added.

Soon I felt myself being thrown softly on the bed and seconds later he crawled over me.

He leaned to next to my ear and whispered, "Trust me I'll make you" he said with a small grin.

As if on cue his phone started to ring making him get up. He saw the contact and looked at me apologetically.

"Hello?" he answered. "Yes I understand, I'll be there soon" he said before ending the call.

I already knew what was happening he had a case and had to leave again which I was fine with, I mean he was saving lives after all.

"I'm sorry babe but-" "You have to go, I get it" I said getting up and walking towards him. He wrapped his arms around my waist planting another kiss on my lips.

"Don't get hurt out there" I whispered pulling away. "I won't" he replied.

"Well I'll go make you a quick breakfast, you should start getting ready" I told the man sending him a wink before leaving the room with a sigh.

"I'm a lucky man" he yelled out to me. "Yes you are" I replied with a laugh.

Hope you enjoyed this cute small fluff of Matt! Vote and comment! 🤍

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