𝟟: 𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕣

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a/n: hey so please take your time reading this and i'm going to be straightforward but

⚠️TW: sexual assault/harassment⚠️

you've been warned :)


(y/n's pov)

we all made it to the gym. i swing the door open hard almost hitting atsumu straight in the face.

"oi! sheesh watch it!" he rolled his eyes.

"how about you watch it love, you see if you were watching where you was going...well i wouldn't have almost bashed your pretty face."

"yeah yeah yeah whatever." he rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips.

after that little commotion we all headed inside the gym. the coach came towards us and we all bowed down. "good after, coach!" we all said in unison.

"good afternoon kids better get straight to practice! (y/n), can you please help me fill out these yellow water bottles?" coach said.

"why yes of course i can help you with that, after all i am the inarizaki volleyball team manager." i said while i flashed him my biggest smile.

he gave me the water bottles and i put them in a tray, there is about a dozen or more of them so of course i can't carry them all in my hands.
i make my way out the gym into the hallway towards the water fountain, placing the tray onto the floor. i fill out 2 water bottles at a time. i was so into my job of filling out the water bottles that unfortunately i didn't notice someone coming behind me.

to my dismay the person grabbed me into a chokehold and covered my mouth. i was in shock. i couldn't even process what the fuck was even happening. i was overpowered yet i still tried to keep my cool. i couldn't scream only muffled sounds came out when i tried to scream for help.

i somehow managed to get my strength from somewhere & i bit into this person's hand-hard. the groans that the person made was that of a male. i kicked him but i wasn't strong enough. i slowly made a 180° and saw who he was...unfortunately it was him...

"why tf did you do that to me?!!" i screamed at him.

"it was paidback darling ." he said.

"but why- i don't want anything to do with you. you already got a warning from my brother!"

"oh please as if he'll do shit to me."

this is the first time in a long time that i have felt fear. i'm usually always bold and strong but not this time.

i froze up with fear when he started inching towards my body. he gently crept his hand near my face yet he harshly grabbed my chin and pulled me in towards his face.

"you know you look pretty making those faces." he smirked.

"shut up you sadistic bitch." i said to him, to be honest deep down i knew i shouldn't have said that to him.

-meanwhile back in the gym-

"uh coach! it seems that (y/n) is taking a bit long with the water bottles. do you want me to check what's up?" osamu said worried.

"ohhh no don't worry about her she's probably taking her time with the water bottles ."

"oh okay." he said still feeling a bit worried that something might of happened.

"yooo samu, something about this don't sit right with me." atsumu chimed in.

"you're right..." aran said as well.

(aran's pov)

what's up with her? it isn't like her to take this long. i really don't like this feeling that's weighing us down. the fact the miya twins picked this kind of vibe too is in fact strange. i hope she's okay.

"okay you guys, once she comes back we'll ask her what happened. for now we gotta focus on practicing, we cannot slack off whatsoever."

"yeah we got it." the twins said.

i can tell it's bothering them too.

(y/n's pov)

he looked irritated but soon a smirk swept across his facial features.

he grabbed the back of my head for support and crashed his lips onto mine.

i was disgusted but i couldn't push him off of me. i really did try to not kiss him back. i went along because at this point who knows what he's capable of doing too me. he slowly crept his hands behind my back, down my back, and down to my bottom. i flinched because i never consented to this...

"your lips taste sweet but your mouth tastes even sweeter."

"leave me alone what else do you want from me." the fact that i went along with it made me sick to me stomach.

i cringed at him and walked off to pick up the water bottles and fill them up since i couldn't do what i came here to do. tears start to well up and i let them fall. *sniffles*

"darling i suggest you stop crying." he said while he started to inch his hands down my sides and went to other areas where i would never let someone touch me like that.

"you feel nice i wonder how you would feel if i-"

holding the tray of water bottles in one arm i slapped him with my other free hand cutting him off what he was about to say next.

disgust swept across my face and i felt nauseous. "what the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" there's no point in crying so i try my hardest not to break like a dam.

"you're so troublesome darling but you're worth the fight for." he laughed. "now now now don't go telling everyone what happened here today darling or else you will fucking regret it."

"why would you do this to me-..." i felt a lump in my throat. i'm trying my hardest not to cry. i'm glad tears didn't come out no more.

"hahahaha i don't own you a fucking explanation now let me carry that tray of water bottles for you darling, i'll take you back to the gym and you better not utter a word of what happened."

i simply nodded because i felt powerless at this point. the fact that i let him take advantage of me knowing i could of defended myself makes me ashamed of myself.

we walked back to the gym. i walked behind him wiping my tears away and fixed myself to not look as if i had cried a river already.

"oh for your information, i'm also part of the volleyball team here. the reason why you haven't seen me here well it's because i've gotten into a fight with some other extras." he seemed so eager to say it.

i know he felt proud of it.

at that moment, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and i felt my life drain from me. i felt myself going pale.

to be continued...


a/n: thank you for sticking around and reading this chapter 🥺💖.

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